Free sermons and illustration databases designed especially for Evangelical Christian workers |
Kerux is not the only database of sermon illustrations. A popular one is Bible Illustrator, or "BI", that was produced by Parsons. Bible Illustrator exports files in the .sup format. Access users can import them into their Kerux database, or export Access illustrations in the .sup format. It is not a perfect process since BI structures its illustrations differently. It also has a lower limit on the size of illustrations which causes many Kerux illustrations to be cut off partway through.
The Bible Illustrator button is on the Search Screen at the bottom. When you click on it, this form appears:
The "Import from Parsons" button opens a screen that lets you browse to find the BI supplement (see below). You are given options on spacing and tabbing but the defaults will probably work best. Click the Import button to find your supplement, then click OPEN to finish the task. The DONE button on this screen means the same thing as EXIT.
The "Export to Parsons" button makes a .sup file. First, you enter criteria in the fields, such as "Kudra" and "grace" above. Then when you click the Export button and the screen below appears:
You can choose which fields to include in the exported illustrations. On the right hand side, you choose either ALL records or only SELECTED ones. ALL is the default (it ignores your search criteria on the previous page) but you probably want to click SELECTED as I have done here so the file is limited to your search words. Otherwise, you will be creating a very, very large .sup file! Once again, the DONE button means EXIT from this form.
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