Romans 2      Religious People Can Go To Hell, Too

Rev. David Holwick                                   Book of Romans series

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

March 19, 1989

Romans 2


I. Palm Sunday.

      A. Jesus surrounded by religious people.

          1) People like us.

      B. Not scum.

          1) Sermon last week would not apply to them (or us)

          2) (Except for some of you. Made a wrong turn to McMickey's Go-Go Bar?)

      C. They welcomed Jesus with open arms.

          1) Five days later they crucified him.

II. What went wrong?

      A. Sin is not limited to the scum of the world.

          1) Their sin may be more interesting.

          2) Ours is more deadly.

              a) Because we don't see it for what it is.

      B. Paul did not make this mistake.

          1) Romans 1 is followed by Romans 2.

              a) Romans 1 shows what happens to pagans.

              b) Romans 2 shows what happens to religious-types.

III. Where religious people stand with God.

      A. Religious people feel they know what God requires.

          1) Quick to condemn others.                             2:1

          2) Quick to see God's blessing in their own lives.      2:4

      B. Religious people think they are safe.

          1) Knowledge:  Possession of Law (Bible).               2:17

              a) Digression - what if I don't know God's standards?   2:14

                  1> Few read Bible, even Christians.

                      A> Is ignorance bliss?

                  2> No, even ignorant people have a conscience.

                      A> Universal, innate.

                          1: Brazilian Indian who murders a man in

                                another tribe.                  #699

                  3> Everyone is guilty before God.                   2:11

          2) Ritual:     Circumcision (Baptism).                  2:25

      C. Religious people are often mistaken.

IV. Whole world (not just sinners) stands under condemnation of God.

      A. Moralists make two mistakes:

          1) They misunderstand height of God's law, or...

          2) They misunderstand the depth of their own moral conduct.

              a) High view of self.

              b) Note arrogance in 2:17 ff.

      B. Results of this miscalculation:

          1) By condemning others, we place ourselves under same

               standards.  And usually we don't pass.

          2) God has been good to me.                          2:4

              a) No proof you are safe.

              b) God may be giving you more time to repent.

          3) Dependence on rituals like baptism is false.

V. Obedience to God is necessary ingredient.             2:13

      A. "Hearing" (listening to sermons and Bible in church)

            is not enough.

      B. Salvation by works?                               2:7-8

          1) No, evidence of salvation by works.

          2) Evidence of condemnation is also by works.

          3) Salvation is always God's gift.              2:4

VI. Disease of religious people:  hypocrisy.              2:3, 2:21

      A. Do we commit what we condemn in others?

          1) Exact correspondence - sometimes.

          2) Close relationship - often.

      B. Our condemnation of others shows we know God's standards.

          1) We will be judged by them, too.

      C. Evidence in our time:  Government scandals.             #700

             Sen. Sam Nunn raked Sen. John Tower over coals.

               It now turns out Sen. Nunn has something Tower doesn't:

                    a drunk-driving conviction.

               He shrugs it off as a youthful prank.

             (Notable that Sen. Edward Kennedy did not criticize Tower

                for boozing and womanizing.)

      D. Evidence in our time:  Religious scandals.             #401

         Edgar Wisenant - 88 Reasons Jesus Returned Last Year.

         Hypocrisy: the executive director of the World Bible Society,

           Norvell Olive, at the very time he was negotiating to publish

             the book, took in $250,000 and was buying 3.13 acres of land

                in Nashville on which to build a new headquarters.

         Many in the country were quitting their jobs;

           those in the publishing company drew up wills and went home.

         Mr. Olive awaited the return of Christ on a 68-foot luxury

           houseboat at Nashville's suburban Percy Priest Lake.

         The local newspaper quoted him as saying,

           "Yes, I live comfortably."  Apparently so.

VII. Pagan response - contempt.                         2:24          #199

     Pearly Gate Enterprises in Yakima, Washington, is marketing a

        Monopoly-like game called "The Pearly Gates."

     Idea is to become "evangelists" and make it to the Promised Land

        "without bankrupting your ministry."

     Pitfalls include a Tower of Prayer and Fasting, and a "No Tell Motel".

     Characters are Jimmy and Tammy Fakker, Jessica Con, Oral Robbers and

        Jimmy Swindler.

     It's sad that those who have claimed to be supporters of the Cross

        have allowed their sins to bring such ridicule from the enemies of

           the Cross.

     The worst part is that much of what they have been accused is so true.

VIII. True religion is inward, (and outward).

      A. Place of religious practices.

          1) They have value.              2:25

          2) Most people are lax in them.

              a) Tithing.

              b) Commitment of time.

                  1> Church.

                  2> Other people.

          3) But they don't save.

      B. Religion of the heart.

          1) Obedience to God's law.                      2:27

              a) Do what he says.

              b) Don't just agree with it.

          2) Relationship with God.                       2:29

              a) Not just knowledge of what God expects.

                  1> Not relationship with church.

                  2> Not formal actions like baptism.

              b) Genuine commitment to him.

                  1> Do you really feel Jesus in your heart?

                  2> Is there any evidence in your lifestyle?

                      A> If not, consider possibility you are not saved.

********************  notes  ***************************************

  David Holwick


  C.E.B. Cranfield

                                    Romans 2

I. Six subsections  (three in Rom 2, three in Rom 3)

      A. Those who condemn others are without excuse.

      B. Knowledge of the Law is no defense against God's judgment.

      C. The value of circumcision.

          1) It is good if it involves obedience to the Law.

          2) Obedience of uncircumcised is considered circumcision.

          3) But circumcision is still of value, even if disobedient.

              a) It just doesn't protect from judgment.

  David Holwick


  Alan F. Johnson

  March 17, 1989

                                  Romans 2

  I. Proud Jews and Gentiles in view in Rom 2.

      A. They are under same judgment of God.

      B. They are guilty of false pride and knowledge.

II. Principle of God's Judgment:  No Partiality

      A. Moralistic religious people are condemned.

          1) They condemn others.

              a) They have a sense of right and wrong.

          2) But they do the same sins.

              a) Not necessarily homosexuality, etc.

          3) Therefore they have no excuse for their own sins.

      B. Moralists make two mistakes:

          1) They misunderstand height of God's law, or...

          2) They misunderstand the depth of their own moral conduct.

      C. Moralists have two sins:

          1) They know God's law (shown by their judging others).

          2) By judging others, they take God's place, and so are idolaters.

      D. The kindness of God does not mean they are off the hook.

          1) There is a literal future hell.       2:5

          2) It cannot be escaped by taking God's side in condemning others.

          3) It cannot be escaped by religious or national heritage.

              a) Being a Jew.

              b) Circumcision.

          4) God is impartial.

              a) He judges on works.

              b) His kindness should lead to repentance.

              c) The sincerity of the unrepentant Jews will lead to condemnation.

          5) Judgment is on basis of works.          2:7-9

              a) Tension with "faith alone".

                  1> Contradiction?

                  2> No.

                      A> They have already received eternal life.     2:7

                      B> Works reveal inner disposition.

                          1: Good works prove they seek God's things.

                          2: Evil works reveal self-seekers.

                      C> Good works refer to sanctification.

              b) Real issue.

                  1> Good works = good job for God, or...

                  2> Good works = hope in God.

III. Jewish privilege - the Bible.

      A. Status of Jews, who have the Bible.

          1) Performance of God's will, not possession of it, saves.  Jam 1:22

          2) The Law will be their accuser.

      B. Status of pagans without Law.

          1) They have revelation, even if not Biblical revelation.

              a) Question - how can pagans know God's will without Bible?

              b) Question - are pagans lost since they don't have Bible?

          2) 2:14 - Gentiles without the Law who do the Law.

              a) Gentile Christians?

              b) No, gentiles with no knowledge of Law.

      C. How pagans can know the will of God.

          1) Societal laws for controlling behavior.      2:14

          2) The role of conscience.                      2:15

              a) Conscience is innate.

              b) The rules (norms) it operates by are not.

          3) Accusing or excusing thoughts we have about others.    2:15

              a) Mutual judgment of each other's behavior (KJV), or...   [J]

              b) Our inward thoughts (RSV).

                  1> God will judge them for violating their own standards.

          4) Can pagans be saved?

              a) Depends on two factors:

                  1> Can pagans know enough to be saved?

                  2> Do they respond positively to this revelation?

              b) A "no" answer to either justifies Christian missions.

      D. The judgment of God.

          1) Extends down to secrets.

          2) The standard will be the Gospel.

          3) The agent will be Jesus Christ.

              a) Not saved by works.

              b) But salvation is never without fruit of works.

IV. Peril of the Jew:  Pride.          2:17-3:8

      A. Jews are directly in view here.

      B. The rebellion of the moralist.

          1) Not outward immorality.

          2) But hardening of heart.

      C. Advantages of the Jews.            2:17-20

          1) Sin reigns despite their advantages.

          2) Hypocrisy.

      D. What a real Jew is.                2:29

          1) Circumcision is only an outward sign.

          2) Reality is a relationship in heart with God.

              a) (But Gentiles do not become true Jews)

              b) Circumcision of heart = true repentance.     Jer 4:4

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