Revelation 20_ 7-10   Will Russia Invade Israel?

Rev. David Holwick  ZG

First Baptist Church

West Lafayette, Ohio

September 18, 1988

Revelation 20:7-10


  I. Predictive prophecy in spotlight - rapture this last week?

     A. Edgar Wisenhart.

     B. Intricate, but false.

     C. Pagans ridicule.

II. Should not discredit all prophecy.

     A. Wisenhart quoted Jeane Dixon, etc.

     B. Next predicted event?

III. To many, next event is Russian invasion of Israel.

     A. Timing:

         1) Before tribulation.

         2) Before rapture.

     B. Foretaste - invasion of Afghanistan.

         1) Withdrawal from there is only temporary.

         2) Russians have historically had interest in the area.

             a) Now seeking to be included in any peace talks.

             b) There have been high-level contacts with Israeli gov't.

     C. Ezekiel thought by many to predict an invasion, not peace.

IV. Details in Ezekiel 38-39.

     A. Jews gathered back to promised land.         37:12

         1) They live in peace.                      37:26, 38:8

     B. Gog and Magog attack.                        38:1

         1) Ethnic groups point to area north of Israel.

             a) Magog, Meshech indicate Moscow?         38:3

             b) Rosh indicate Russia?                   38:3

                  Dr. John Cumming:  "This king of the North I conceive

                  to be the dictator of Russia...that Russia occupies a

                  place, and a very momentous one, in the prophetic

                  word has been admitted by almost all interpreters."

                       (written in 1864)

         2) Explicitly come from uttermost north.    38:15

     C. They are destroyed on Great Day of God.     (38:19)

V. Popularized by Hal Lindsey, others.

     A. Important implications for foreign policy.

         1) Invasion is annihilated.

         2) No need to fear Soviet influence in Middle East?

     B. Only problem - not true.

VI. Real meaning of Ezekiel 38-39.

     A. Jews are gathered back to Promised Land.

     B. *Messiah, King David, returns to rule.       37:24

         1) Cannot occur before Millennium.

         2) Peace is in millennium, not before.

             a) Israel is not safe now.

     C. Gog and Magog cannot be identified with Russia.

         1) Migration of tribes not precisely known.

         2) "Rosh" means 'chief prince,' has nothing to do with Russia

VII. Revelation 20 follows Ezekiel exactly.

     A. Timing.

         1) Gog and Magog attack after, not before, millennium.

         2) No mention of earlier attack.

             a) Interpreters - in Rev 20 the terms become idealized.

             b) But makes perfect sense just the way it is.

     B. Differences.

         1) Direction of attack.

             a) Ezekiel - from north.                       Ezek 38:15

             b) Revelation - from four corners of earth.     Rev 20:8

         2) Fate of armies.

             a) Ezekiel - armies are buried.      Ezek 39:11

             b) Revelation - fire from heaven.     Rev 20:9

                 1> But Ezekiel also mentions fire - Ezek 38:22, 39:6.

     C. Conclusion.

         1) Ezekiel and Revelation talking about same event, but it is

              universalized in Revelation.

         2) Gog and Magog attack after millennium.

         3) Whether it is Russia or not does not matter.

VIII. Why does Millennium end this way?

     A. Biblical background:

         1) Ezekiel teaches it.

         2) Harks back to Garden of Eden in Genesis.

             a) Satan must be released to expose men's hearts.

     B. Teaches that full potential cannot be attained in this world,

          even in the most peaceful conditions.

         1) Limitations of government, even perfect one.

             a) Still not sufficient to change people.

                 1> Cuts against our political agendas.

         2) Root of sin:

             a) Ultimately not social conditions, but

                  rebellious human heart.

     C. Only hope is for God to completely transform the world.

IX. Need for salvation, not just religion.

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