Rev. David Holwick ZD LABOR DAY
First Baptist Church
West Lafayette, Ohio
September 4, 1988
Isaiah 65:17-25
I. Labor Day.
A. Celebrate work?
B. No, celebrate the fruit of work -
1) Last big vacation.
2) Stores have big sales.
C. Most jobs aren't much fun.
1) Bible reason - at the Fall, work became toil.
2) Produce much, little to show for it?
D. Prophecy - some day this will all be fixed.
1) A Kingdom is coming.
2) 1000 years of peace.
3) Prosperity: All will have as much as they need.
a) Material things.
4) True workers' paradise.
II. Millennium.
A. Only found in Revelation.
1) Latin word for "1000 years."
B. But concept is found throughout the Bible, esp. in OT.
C. Common elements in Old Testament:
1) Jews return to Promised Land.
2) Messiah returns to be their King, on earth.
a) "Kingdom of David."
3) All nations will honor God, and Him alone.
4) Prosperity.
5) Peace among people, and in nature itself.
III. The Kingdom as taught in New Testament.
A. Jesus said those who believe in him are citizens.
1) God rules in their hearts.
2) We enter the moment we believe.
3) The Kingdom is here right now.
B. Some aspects of the Kingdom are still future.
1) Associated with Second Coming.
IV. The Millennium in the book of Revelation.
A. Only briefest outline given.
1) Satan bound. (not destroyed)
2) Saints given thrones and judgment.
a) They judge those on the earth.
b) Better - a verdict is proclaimed in their favor.
3) Lasts 1000 years, then Satan is released.
B. Climax is New Jerusalem.
V. Further details from Old Testament?
A. Changes in Nature.
1) OT - Wolf and Lamb. Isaiah 65:25
2) NT - Creation will be liberated (Paul). Romans 8:21
B. Changes in people.
1) No more oppression of poor.
2) Peace among all people.
C. Promises to Israel fulfilled.
1) Land / Kingdom.
2) Salvation.
a) New Covenant. Jeremiah 31:33
b) All Israel saved. Romans 11:26
VI. Problems with literal interpretation of OT prophecies.
A. Literal Temple and sacrifice system? Ezekiel
1) Memorial to Jesus, as OT sacrifices anticipated him?
2) Hebrews 8:13 - old system is obsolete and will disappear.
B. New Testament passages sometimes give spiritual interps.
1) Amos 9:11-12. David's tent restored, Gentiles gathered in.
2) Acts 15:17. Church brings in Gentiles.
C. Many Bible prophecies are symbolic pictures to convey spiritual
1) Lamb and Wolf - mental picture of peace.
2) Symbolic does not mean phony. Means reality will be beyond
our wildest dreams.
VII. Why have a Millennium?
A. Why not go directly into New Jerusalem, tie up all loose ends
at once?
B. God of the Bible is the Creator.
1) This planet is important to Him.
2) His salvation must be fulfilled in real life.
VIII. Who will be in the Millennium?
A. Revelation 1:5 -
1) Jesus loves us.
2) His blood frees us from sins.
3) He makes us a kingdom and priests.
4) We serve God forever.
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