Revelation 15, study notes      The Seven Bowl Judgments

Rev. David Holwick

Ledgewood Baptist Church

February 10, 1992

Revelation 15 & 16


  I. Seven bowl judgments.

      A. Last of three series of judgments.

          1) Seals affect 25%, trumpets affect 33%, bowls affect 100%?

      B. "Bowls" probably refers to the "cup of God's wrath" in Isaiah 51:17,22.

          1) Also see Ps 75:8; Jer 25:15ff, 49:12-13; Ezek 23:33; Hab 2:16.

      C. They parallel the plagues of the Exodus from Egypt.

          1) Note the "song of Moses" beside a (Red) Sea in Rev 15:2-4.

          2) Note the tabernacle in heaven.          15:5

          3) Revelation presents a greater Exodus, a greater Moses, and a greater judgment.

II. The last Exodus.

      A. The sea mixed with fire.              15:2

          1) Sea before God's throne (4:6) with "fire" of wrath (8:5).

          2) The song of Moses (15:3) alludes to Moses' song of deliverance in Exod 15:1ff.

      B. The temple in heaven.                 15:5

          1) The smoke of God's glory (15:8) recalls the Shekinah cloud (see also Isaiah

             6:4 and Exodus 40:35).

III. The seven bowls.   (comparison with trumpets)

      A. Trumpets.  (Revelation 8)

1. Hail, fire, and blood fall on the earth, one third of which is burned up.

2. A blazing mountain falls into the sea.  One-third of the sea become blood, a third of sea-creatures die, and a third of ships are destroyed.

3. A blazing star (Wormwood) falls on a third of rivers and springs; their waters are poisoned and many die.

4. A third of sun, moon, and stars are struck.  Darkness results for a third of a night and day.

5. Sun and air are darkened with smoke from which locusts emerge to torment men without the seal of God.

6. Four angels bound at the Euphrates are released, with their 200 million cavalry.  A third of men are killed by these.

7. Loud voices in heaven announce the coming of God's Kingdom.  Lightning, thunder, earthquake, and hail occur.

      B. Bowls.    (Revelation 16)

1. A bowl is poured on the earth.  Sores come on those marked by beast.

2. A bowl is poured on the seas.  They become blood, and every living thing in them die.

3. A bowl is poured on rivers and springs, and they become blood.

4. A bowl is poured on the sun, which scorches men with fire.

5. A bowl is poured on the throne of the beast.  His kingdom is darkened and men are in anguish.

6. A bowl is poured on the Euphrates, which dries up for kings from the east. The battle of Armageddon.

7. A bowl is poured into the air, a loud voice from God's throne announces, "It is done".  Lightning, thunder, and an unprecedented earthquake occur, and terrible hail falls.

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