Psalm  66      Who Can Pray?

Rev. David Holwick  ZC               "Questions People Ask" topical series

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey                            

September 22, 2002

Psalm 66:16-20
Acts 10:1-4


  I. Prayer can get you in trouble.

      A. Rev. Dr. David Benke gets fired.

          1) Twelve days after the September 11 attacks last year, a

                memorial service was held in Yankee Stadium.

             Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Hindu clergy gathered to

                honor the missing and the dead.

             Rev. David Benke, a Missouri-Synod Lutheran, asked the

                people to join hands and pray with him "on this field of

                   dreams turned into God's house of prayer."

             He prayed "in the precious name of Jesus" and sat down.

          2) That prayer got him suspended from his denomination.

                He was charged with:

              a) syncretism (mixing religions)

              b) unionism (worshiping with non-LCMS Christian clergy)

              c) worshiping of other gods.                            [1]


      B. Southern Baptist Bailey Smith caused a storm.

          1) Former president of the biggest Baptist group, said in 1980,

                "God doesn't hear the prayers of a Jew."

          2) This month Roman Catholics tried a different angle, saying

                Jews don't need salvation through Jesus because they

                   have a separate plan with God.

      C. Prayer can be a touchy issue.

          1) Most people pray.

              a) At least 83% of Americans say they pray regularly.

              b) Most think their prayers are heard, at least sometimes.

              c) They get pretty ticked to be told their prayers WON'T

                    be heard.

          2) To not be heard means you don't know God.

              a) Or, you are not living right.

              b) You can claim that for yourself, but "unseemly" to

                    charge it to others.

          3) Should be an area of humility.

              a) Remember that NO ONE has every prayer heard, at least

                    if positive results are in view.

              b) Even Jesus did not have every prayer answered as he

                    wished - Gethsemane.

              c) There should be one authority on the issue:  not our

                    personal feelings, but what the Bible teaches.

                  1> Some of its teaching may surprise you....

II. There are prayers God will not hear.

      A. Self-centered prayer to get attention.            Matthew 6:5

          1) Human attention is all it will produce.

      B. Mechanical prayers.

          1) Repetitious babbling isn't heard.             Matthew 6:7

              a) Buddhist prayer wheels in Tibet.

              b) Catholic Rosary.

                  1> Reason why Ledgewood Baptist doesn't put Rosary

                        Society's Tricky Tray in our bulletin.

          2) Prayer accompanied by cutting and crying.     1 Kings 18:28

      C. Wavering and faith-less prayer.                   James 1:6-7

      D. Prayer not according to God's will.               1 John 5:14-15

          1) In Gethsemane, Jesus gave his Father's agenda priority.

III. There are people God won't hear.

      A. Believers who are far from God:

          1) Disobedient and violent.

              a) Big factor with Old Testament prophets.

                   Isaiah 59:2-3

                   Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your

                      sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will

                         not hear.

                   For your hands are stained with blood, your fingers

                      with guilt.

                   Your lips have spoken lies, and your tongue mutters

                      wicked things.

              b) Psalm 66:18

                 If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not

                    have listened...

          2) Self-centered and self-righteous.

              a) Jewish teachers of the Law in Matthew 6:5.

              b) Pharisee in parable of Tax Collector.       Luke 18:9-14

          3) Hard-hearted.

              a) Insensitivity to a family member.           1 Peter 3:7

              b) At odds with someone else and not willing to reconcile.

                                                             Matthew 6:12

      B. Non-believers who don't know God.

          1) Baal - prayers to false gods get no response.  1 Kings 18:26

          2) Young man born blind, defending Jesus.         John 9:31

                   We know that God does not listen to sinners.

                   He listens to the godly man who does his will.

IV. Whose prayers get heard?

      A. God hears prayers of devoted believers.

          1) 1 John 3:22 - we receive what we ask for because we obey

                and please him.

          2) John 15:7-8 - we remain in the vine, Jesus.

      B. He hears prayers of sinners who seek God.

          1) Apostle Paul.                                   Acts 22:16

              a) A devout Jew, but filled with anger.

              b) Instructions: get up, get baptized, call on God's name

                    (in other words, pray).

          2) Tax Collector in parable.                       Luke 18:9-14

              a) A Jew, but sinful lifestyle.

              b) He was humble before God - beat breast, bowed head.

              c) He asked for nothing but God's mercy.

              d) God accepted him.

          3) Devoted pagan, Cornelius.

  V. The interesting case of Cornelius.                      Acts 10:3-4

      A. Not a Jew, not a Christian, just religious.

          1) Pagan who is interested in monotheism but doesn't commit

                himself fully.  Meaning of special term "God-fearer".

          2) His religion is backed up by good works and prayer.

          3) Angel tells him his prayers have been heard.

      B. Various interpretations:

          1) Good pagans can be saved if sincere.

              a) Jesus is unnecessary to get to heaven.

              b) "God accepts people from every nation...."         10:35

          2) Good pagans who believe in one God only, are saved.

              a) Church of Christ article - they are saved under

                    patriarchal system, like Abraham.

              b) Not taught anywhere else in Bible, and makes Jesus


          3) Good pagans will find Jesus and become saved.

              a) Note that Cornelius is good, but not saved.        11:14

                  1> Good works alone don't make us acceptable to God.

                  2> But if sincerity and good morals get you into

                        heaven, the Pharisee of Jesus' parable would

                        get in, too.

              b) Cornelius is told he will hear words - the gospel.

              c) He receives Holy Spirit after he believes.     10:43b-44

      C. God works in mysterious ways.

          1) Non-Christians may have valid spirituality.

              a) (and many Christians may not!)

          2) You can find God outside of a Christian church.

              a) Paul's sermon to the pagan Athenians:

                 "God did this so that men would seek him and

                     perhaps reach out for him and find him,

                  though he is not far from each one of us."   Acts 17:27

          3) Prayers and good deeds in other faiths are not baloney.

          4) But genuine spirituality should lead to Christ.

              a) Those who are truly sincere will be drawn to Jesus.

              b) This is not an arrogant claim, but the clear witness

                    of the Bible.

VI. Check your own prayers.

      A. Your commitment matters.

      B. Your character matters.

      C. Your doctrine matters.

      D. Your heart matters.

VII. Prayer that is always heard.

      A. The sinner's prayer.                                 Luke 18:13

      B. Have you prayed it?


Source for illustration:

[1]  "Benke Suspended for 'Syncretism' after 911 Event," by Todd Hertz,, July 31, 2002.

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