Mark 16_15-18      Snake Handling

Rev. David Holwick  W

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 11, 1999

Mark 16:15-18


SERMON SUMMARY:  This sermon was given the day after we returned from a

     mission trip to Cranks Creek, Kentucky.  It is more of a "reaction"

     sermon but since it deals with an issue that every church struggles

     with - snake handling - I have decided to include it in the archive.

  I. Crummies church in Kentucky.

      Small red church, tin-roofed, crude sign, next to road.

         Rumors were that snake-handling happens there.

      A group of us men attended a Wednesday night prayer meeting

         during our mission trip to Kentucky.

      They graciously let us in (we asked first) and we filled a pew.

         Surprisingly, they had good air-conditioning.

         And lots of emotion.

      There were only about 14 locals present, but they sang ballads,

         testified and preached on salvation, undoubtedly for our benefit.

      The service lasted for two hours.

         But no snakes...

II. Why handle snakes?

      A. Frontier faith.

          1) Americans among few to seize on this verse.

              a) It is not found in earliest manuscripts of Mark.

          2) These verses offer assurance you are saved.

              a) Signs that accompany real believers.

              b) Life was hard, salvation had great appeal.

                  1> Crummies song: "We need mountains to make us pray..."

              c) When life is falling apart, how can you know God

                    is on your side?

      B. A recent development.

          1) Practices that have been obscure for 2000 years.

              a) Demons.

              b) Tongues.

              c) Snakes.

              d) Poison.

              e) Healing.

          2) Pentecostal movement is relatively young, from about 1900.

      C. It is not fake.

          1) Real poisonous snakes are handled.

          2) Sometimes people are bit.

              a) Further test - don't go to doctor.

          3) Direct test is drinking poison.

III. Signs or tests?

      A. God's power can do dramatic things.

          1) The disciples healed people after being sent out by Jesus.

          2) Paul was bitten by a snake, and survived.        Acts 28:3-6

          3) Miracles were essential to the early church.

      B. The purpose of signs.

          1) Reinforces message of salvation and repentance.    Heb 2:3-4

          2) They did not focus on signs, but gospel.

      C. The dangers of signs.

          1) Signs can be from Satan.                      2 Thess 2:9-10

          2) People seek them as an end in themselves.  John 2:23-25; 4:48

      D. Don't tempt God.

          1) God doesn't command us to do dumb stuff.

              a) Family in Ohio.

                     Faith Assembly.

                     Show faith by not going to doctors.

                     2 children died in related family.

              b) Founder of church also died, of an infected broken arm.

          2) Snake-handlers put the "cart before the horse."

              a) They are trying to prove something to themselves

                    more than to others.

IV. Wonders alone are not enough.

      A. Melancholy air in Crummies church.

          1) Bemoaned falling attendance in similar churches.

          2) Children reject faith, drink booze instead.

          3) Members themselves testified about not wanting to come.

              a) Hard times in life, God doesn't seem to help...

      B. Malaise in the modern church.

          1) Is church as strong as it was 125 years ago?

              a) 50 years ago?

              b) 20 years ago?

          2) Even evangelical churches are not growing dramatically.

              a) Europe - sharp decline in faith.

              b) New Jersey - materialism takes over, less social ties.

              c) Will Ledgewood Baptist be a museum when time capsule is

                    opened in 2075?

  V. Why we are declining.

      A. Monotone message.

          1) Too many clichés.

              a) We sound like a broken record.

              b) How does Jesus' message affect modern life?

          2) Even salvation can be overused.

              a) Preach the "whole counsel" of God.

              b) No area is off limits to spirituality.

      B. Loose discipline.

          1) We don't challenge each other enough.

          2) God sets high standards of morality and faith.

          3) When we compromise, gospel loses attention.

      C. Self-centeredness.

          1) We focus too much on ourselves.

          2) Turn focus outwards, and things will change.

VI. They will know we are Christians by our love.

      A. Love is the greatest sign that we are from God.

          1) Jesus says it's how world will know we are real.  John 13:35

      B. Our experience in Kentucky.

          1) Focus on putting up frame of building.

              a) Following the master, Sean Triehy.

          2) New perspective after visit with old people.

              a) Becky in "club house" with mentally handicapped son.

              b) Family in small trailer.

              c) Motivated our team.

          3) Volunteers C.J. and Kramer - the people make us want to stay.

              a) It's not what we accomplish so much as how well we

                    love people.

          4) Final sharing.

              a) Late night talks and devotions better than planned stuff.

VII. It's not what you do, but who you know.

      A. We have authority over snakes, but name in book of life is

            more important.                                 Luke 10:19-20

      B. Do you have a genuine, vibrant, loving faith in God?

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