Rev. David Holwick ZC "Setting Boundaries" series
First Baptist Church
Ledgewood, New Jersey
September 14, 2003
Luke 9:51-56
I. Are you sucked dry yet?
A. September - into the frying pan.
1) $75,000 church improvement campaign.
a) We need your money.
2) Nominating committee will be making calls in a few weeks.
a) We need your time and talent.
3) The nursery and children's church have their lists up.
a) We want your soul...
B. Do others want more than you feel you can give?
1) The tension of being a Christian:
a) "I can do all things through Christ..."
b) "I am mortal - God knows I am only dust."
1> John Ritter died on Friday, aged 56.
2> None of us are indestructible.
2) Effects of NOT saying "no."
a) Stressed out.
1> Resentful and irritable.
b) Overcommited.
1> Family is neglected.
c) Burned out.
1> You do what you have committed to do, but there
is no joy in it.
C. Saying "no" is hard to do.
1) Confronting self-doubt.
a) Often we would rather be loved than be wise.
2) We don't want to risk being misunderstood.
a) Will they think we are uncaring or selfish?
II. Jesus often said "no."
A. When his mother told him to help out a wedding. John 2:4
1) Signifies the very beginning of his ministry.
2) He deflected her request. (later he turned water into wine)
B. When the people asked for more bread from heaven. John 6:31
1) He refused, saying salvation was their deepest need.
2) They needed to believe in Jesus, not free handouts.
C. When his disciples requested fire from heaven. Luke 9:51-56
1) It was within his power, but not God's perfect will.
2) Mercy was a higher priority than judgment.
D. When skeptics demanded miracles. Matt 12:38
1) He wouldn't do supernatural acts on command.
2) He did not appease opponents, but challenged them.
III. How Jesus could do it.
A. Jesus knew who he was.
1) He didn't need to soft-sell himself.
2) Jesus could accept rejection.
B. Jesus knew who God was.
1) He knew God's principles for a fulfilled life.
2) Jesus did not let his opponents define God for him.
a) He turned down Satan's ploy to turn rocks into bread
because Jesus knew bread was secondary in God's eyes.
C. Jesus knew what God wanted him to do.
1) He had a sense of mission in life.
2) Nothing was allowed to deflect him from his path.
a) Satan tried - so did his disciples and even family.
IV. How we can say "no."
A. Use discernment.
1) Are you saying "no" because that is most appropriate, or
because you are lazy and selfish?
2) Is your "no" allowing you to say a bigger "yes" somewhere
3) Recognize your natural limitations and abilities.
4) Seek God's view on the issue.
B. Be thoughtful and tactful.
1) Say "no" nicely and it will be accepted more easily.
C. Be ready to accept the consequences.
1) Saying "no" can create conflict.
a) In his teaching on being bread from heaven, many
disciples abandoned Jesus.
2) However, saying "yes" all the time and falling flat will
make people even angrier at you.
D. Keep the big picture in mind.
1) When you say "no" someone else can say "yes."
a) Some pastors feel they have to run the whole show.
They might preach, lead the choir, teach the adult
Sunday School class, run the youth group...
They probably feel they can do the jobs better than
But they are also creating much stress for themselves.
And they are missing out on the spiritual gifts of
other members.
b) The church is the body of Christ.
1> No one, not even the head, can do it all.
2> Recognize your limitations, and the gifts God has
given others.
2) Don't shirk responsibility, but keep priorities straight.
V. Always say "yes" to God.
Key ideas in this sermon (and the series) are from "The Road Toward
Wholeness" by Mary Tuomi Hammond, Judson Press, 1998.
I also adapted material from "You Can Say No (Without Feeling Guilty)"
by Kevin A. Miller in Discipleship Journal #92, Mar/Apr 1996, p. 47.
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