Rev. David Holwick ZM
First Baptist Church
Ledgewood, New Jersey
October 29, 1989
Luke 15:11-27
I. Status of children.
A. In the modern world.
1) We often hear they are future of the country, of the church.
2) We idealized the life of children.
a) Peanuts cartoon (Charlie Brown):
Mother's Day and Father's Day. What about Children's Day?
Grandma: Every day is children's day!!
(They are not satisfied with this, but expected it)
3) Matt Groening cartoon. (More realistic)
"Childhood Tribulations" (vignettes)
Forced naps
Waiting in the car
Waiting for the cartoons to come on (Farm Report)
Floating goldfish
Being given carrots instead of cookies
Being hosed off by mom
Being left behind by older siblings
"The beginning of wisdom" (vignette)
Cheer up, kid! These are the happiest years of your life!
--You mean it gets worse!
4) Majority of rentals in this country are "adults only".
B. Status in ancient world.
1) Children had little value.
2) Common phrase: "deaf and dumb, weak-minded, under age."
a) Not in full possession of their intellectual powers.
3) Even the disciples tried to keep kids from Jesus. Lk 18:15
C. Status before Jesus.
1) Children are special.
a) He calls the children to him and blesses them. Lk 18:16
b) The Kingdom belongs to those like children. Lk 18:17
c) We must receive God like children do. Lk 18:17
II. We must become like children to enter Kingdom. Luke 18:17
A. Humility.
1) Children aren't necessarily humble and they are far from
Two theologians were walking across a seminary campus when one
asked the other, "Do you believe in Original Sin?"
The other said, "Yes, I do. We have a child."
"Do you believe in Total Depravity?" asked the first man.
"No, I don't. That is an excess of Calvinistic theology,"
replied the second.
The first replied, "Just wait until you have two children!"
2) Children are small and insignificant.
3) They lack power.
B. Children trust in their father.
III. God as "Abba."
A. Jesus always prayed to God as his father.
1) He addressed his as "Abba," daddy Mark 14:36
2) He taught his disciples to pray the same way. Lord's Prayer
B. This was something new.
1) Jews almost never prayed to God as their father.
2) It was considered too personal and intimate.
3) Addressing God as "my Father" does not occur till Middle Ages.
IV. Our relationship with God.
A. To "become a child again" means we learn to say "Father" again.
1) We can speak to God like a children speak to their father.
a) Confidently.
b) Securely.
2) Our whole trust must be in him.
a) Human fathers try to do good, but basically they are
evil. Luke 11:13
A foster mother was brought up to believe God is a loving
But then she had foster kids who had earthly fathers who
abused them.
Is God this kind of father?
She concluded:
"God is not like a father, but a father is supposed to be
like God.
"Jesus has shown us what he is like."
b) God is not limited our weaknesses.
Many who have been abused can look to God as the father
they wished they had had.
B. Only believers can call God "Father."
1) Jesus only gave this instruction to believers, not outsiders.
a) It is not a possession of all people.
2) To have God as your Father, you must belong to his Kingdom.
a) God creates the relationship. John 1:12
b) No human can influence it. John 1:13
V. We must return to our Father.
A. In Matthew, Jesus says we must "turn" and become like children.
1) This is the basic meaning of repentance.
B. Not making yourself good, but changing your direction back to God.
1) Luke 15, Prodigal Son.
He comes to his senses. 15:17
He determines to go back. 15:18
He confesses his sin.
He makes no claims on the father. 15:19
(Slave status. No special favors.)
2) What the Father does.
His father sees him a long way off. 15:20
(He must have been looking for him.)
He is filled with compassion.
He runs to him.
(Very undignified in Mid-east)
He hugs and kisses him.
The son does not have time to make his full statement. 15:21
The father accepts him back (robe and ring). 15:22
He calls for a feast to celebrate. 15:23
VI. Benefits of being a child of God.
A. The certainty of future salvation.
1) Not God's will that any of his little ones be lost. Matt 18:14
2) He gives us the gifts of the time of salvation with more
than Fatherly love. Luke 11:13
3) It is God's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. Luke 12:32
B. Everyday security.
1) The Father knows what we need. Luke 12:30
2) His goodness is boundless. Luke 6:35
C. The courage to submit to what is unpredictable in the divine will.
1) Suffering.
2) Death.
a) God counts our hairs: his concern goes to the smallest
details. Matt 10:30
b) Sparrows do not die without God's permission, and neither
will we. Matt 10:29,31
c) The "Father knows best."
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