James 2_19-24      Having Faith In Yourself

Rev. David Holwick  ZJ

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

November 9, 1997

James 2:19-24


  I. Easy-believism.

      A. Faith in God widespread, but shallow.

          1) How many of you believe in God?  [show of hands...]

          2) One third of Americans define "God" in non-traditional ways.

              a) Ultimate Power, etc.

          3) For many, faith in yourself means just that - you are your

                own God.

      B. Millions of Christians have faith, but aren't involved.

          1) An empty shrine?

             Bill Bryson traveled to Hannibal, Missouri, to visit the

                boyhood home of author, Mark Twain.

             He described it as a "trim, white-washed house with green

                shutters, set incongruously in the middle of downtown."

             It cost two dollars to walk around the site.

             Bryson found the house a disappointment.

             "It claimed to be a faithful reproduction of the original

                interiors," he writes,

             "but there were wires and water sprinklers clumsily evident

                in every room.

             I also very much doubt that young Samuel Clemens' bedroom

                had Armstrong vinyl on the floor or that his sister's

                   bedroom had a plywood partition in it."

             The house is owned by the city of Hannibal and attracts

                135,000 visitors each year.

             Bryson was disappointed that he wasn't able to actually go

                inside the house.

             "You look through the windows," he says.

             At each window there is a recorded message telling about

                each room.

             As he proceeded from window to window he asked another

                tourist:  "What do you think of it?"

             The friendly stranger replied, "Oh, I think it's great.

             I come here whenever I'm in Hannibal -- 2, 3 times a year.

                Sometimes I go out of my way to come here."

             Dumbfounded, Bryson replied, "Really?"

                "Yeah," answered the stranger.

             "I must have been here twenty, thirty times by now.

                This is a real shrine, you know."

             They walked and talked some more.

             Bryson's last question to the man was, "Would you say the

                house is just like Twain described it in his books?"

             "I don't know," the stranger said.

                "I've never read one of his books."

             Visiting his shrine -- but ignoring his books.

             Doubtless there are many followers of Jesus who are satisfied

                with that same superficial approach.

             They visit his shrine, but never read his teachings.

             Some, though, want to go farther.

             Some want to know Jesus, not just as an interesting

                historical figure, but as the living Son of God.

             Do you know this Jesus?  Are you sure?


          2) One-quarter of America claims to have accepted Jesus as Savior.

              a) "Accepted Jesus" once - but little since?

              b) Common hope of Christian parents - they believed once,

                    so they'll come back someday.

          3) Genuine faith?

              a) Maybe.

              b) But also possible to go through motions, never really


      C. The real McCoy.

          1) A living relationship with Jesus.

          2) Changes for the better in your life.  (more Christ-like)

II. It begins with faith.

      A. Tension with James and Paul.

          1) Abraham accepted when he believed, period?   Romans 4:1-5

          2) Abraham accepted when he did something?      James 2:21-24

      B. God accepts us moment we believe.

          1) Key is meaning of "justified."

              a) Paul uses it in a legal sense - we are acquitted.

              b) Similar to babysitter case, where judge might overturn

                    the jury's verdict.

          2) God accepted Abraham immediately, before he did anything.

              a) Abraham's deeds, like being circumcised or offering

                    up Isaac, came later.

              b) Once Abraham accepted God, he entered into a spiritual

                    relationship with the Lord.

          3) It is the same with us.

              a) Don't clean up life first.

              b) Believe God accepts you.

III. Genuine faith works.

      A. Salvation doesn't stop with a beginning.

          1) James realizes genuine faith will produce something.

          2) After Abraham believed, he proved he had faith when

                he offered up his son, Isaac.

      B. Faith that doesn't work, isn't real.                 Jam 2:21,24

          1) For James, justification is not acquittal but evidence. <<

          2) Faith must be more than words.

          3) Jesus agrees:

                "Lord, Lord!" doesn't get you into heaven.     Matt 7:21

IV. Evidence your faith is baloney.

      A. Lack of interest in spiritual matters.

      B. Habitual sin.                                        Gal 5:19-24

          1) Immorality, impurity, debauchery.

              a) Is your sexual life in order?

          2) Idolatry and witchcraft.

              a) Occult interest, astrology, weird beliefs.

          3) Hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage.

              a) "Road rage."

              b) Do you harbor a violent nature?

                  1> Abusiveness, loss of temper...

              c) Ungracious attitude toward others.

                  1> Forgiven people should be forgiving.

                  2> If you hold deep grudges, it may be a sign you are fake.

          4) Selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy.

              a) How do you relate around others?

              b) Do you bring peace, or conflict to those around you?

              c) Gossip, backstabbing...

          5) Drunkenness and orgies.

              a) Are you a slave to compulsions?

              b) Is any area of your life out of control?

      C. Those who live like this don't go to heaven!

  V. Evidence your faith stands the test.

      A. Personal encounter with God.

          1) Religious acts not enough.                         Matt 7:21

          2) Obedience to Jesus required.

      B. Fruit of the Spirit.                                 Gal 5:22-23

          1) Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

                faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

          2) Desire for holiness.

VI. Passing the ultimate test.                               2 Cor 13:5

      A. Kids and tests.

          1) Rebecca - grades will determine her entire future.

      B. We are quick to judge genuineness of others.

      C. How about checking yourself?

         A story appeared in the newspapers in January 1992.

         It was about a seventy-one-year-old man in Evansville, Indiana,

            who had his life saved in a most unusual way.

         A truck smashed into his house.

         It was 2:35 a.m. when a driver lost control of his truck on wet

            pavement, struck the curb and sailed on to the porch of

               Lee Roy Book's house.

         Later, a utility crew sought to restore electricity to Book's

            home and to check for gas leaks.

         They discovered that Book's chimney and pipes were plugged with

            two feet of soot and leaves.

         The blockage was causing odorless, poisonous carbon monoxide

            fumes generated from burning natural gas to back up into the


         For the past two years Book, who lived alone, had been sick with

            classic flu-like symptoms, including chills, nausea, shakes

               and headaches.

         These are also the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning.

         He would black out and couldn't remember doing such things as

            visiting a friend.

         "I'd come to when I got in the fresh air," said Book, "but every

            day it was getting worse and worse.  It was awful."

         Chances are that if the car had not smashed into his house, by

            now Lee Roy Book would be dead.

         The kicker to the story, however, is at the end.

            Booker once worked as a building contractor.

         He is very much aware of the dangers of improperly vented


         He always warned his customers to check their flues every two

            or three years to make sure they weren't clogged.

         "But somehow or another," he said, "it never did dawn on me to

            check my [own] chimney."


          1) Will it take a wreck to make you aware of spiritual danger?

          2) Now is the time to "check your own chimney."

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