Rev. David Holwick W Book of James #3
First Baptist Church
Ledgewood, New Jersey
July 22, 2007
James 1:5-8
I. Stupid decisions.
A. Don't do this.
Annie Edson Taylor felt her job as a schoolteacher was too
insignificant, and she needed money to pay off debts.
She figured out a way to gain fame and fortune.
It was 1901, and Annie was going to be the first person to go
over Niagara Falls in a barrel.
Annie used a pickle barrel for her trip, constructed of oak
and iron and padded with a mattress.
The barrel was put over the side of a rowboat, and Annie
climbed in.
After screwing down the lid, friends used a bicycle tire pump
to compress the air in the barrel.
The hole used for this was plugged with a cork, and Taylor was
set adrift on the Niagara River.
The barrel plunged over Horseshoe Falls.
Rescuers recovered it in a short time, and Annie was discovered
to be alive, though somewhat battered.
Her first words after she emerged from the barrel were...
"No one ought ever do that again!"
Unfortunately for Annie she was not a success on the lecture
circuit and her dreams of making enough money to pay off her
debts did not materialize.
She died a pauper in 1921. #33565
Apparently, going over Niagara Falls in a barrel was not a wise
decision for Annie.
B. How can we make smart decisions?
1) Is it even possible?
2) Can God help us in this?
II. What is wisdom?
A. Much of the Old Testament focuses on this issue. (Proverbs)
1) Wisdom can be summed up as practical insight into how to
live God's way.
2) It is the ability to find God's perfect will in the worst
a) Not theoretical or philosophical. Purely practical.
b) Wisdom is the ability to KNOW right from wrong, and
then to DO the right thing.
B. God is the source of wisdom.
1) It cannot come from education alone.
a) Diplomas don't produce it.
2) We can do is ask God for it.
a) The famous example of Solomon. 1 Kings 3:5-13
3:5 At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night
in a dream, and God said,
"Ask for whatever you want me to give you." ...
3:7 "Now, O LORD my God, you have made your servant king in
place of my father David. But I am only a little child
and do not know how to carry out my duties. ...
3:9 So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your
people and to distinguish between right and wrong.
For who is able to govern this great people of yours?"
3:10 The Lord was pleased that Solomon had asked for this.
3:11 So God said to him, "Since you have asked for this and
not for long life or wealth for yourself, nor have
asked for the death of your enemies but for
discernment in administering justice,
3:12 I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise
and discerning heart, so that there will never have
been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.
3:13 Moreover, I will give you what you have not asked for --
both riches and honor -- so that in your lifetime you
will have no equal among kings.
b) We may never be a king, but we will all be faced with
tough decisions.
c) God wants us to seek his insight.
III. Asking for it.
A. One obvious problem: ASKING doesn't always produce GETTING.
1) Who here has never prayed for a new bicycle, and didn't
get it?
2) One reason is we have a limited view of God.
3) Many try to beg God or make deals with him, like He's a
card dealer at Atlantic City.
B. James says you must know the One we are asking help from.
1) Our God gives generously.
a) He wants to give us good things, just like a human
father. Luke 11:11-13
b) This reflects God's loving nature.
2) Our God doesn't find fault.
a) He doesn't hold our past sins against us.
b) People tend to do this.
(Celeste's grandparents - grandma never forgave
c) God is a lot more forgiving than we are, and we can
take comfort in this fact.
3) James says, ask this kind of God, and it will be given you.
C. Problem: it still doesn't work.
1) Understanding God's character is not enough.
2) We must also understand what God requires of us.
3) Choosing to do what God wants us to, is what faith is about.
IV. We must ask in faith.
A. We must believe God is hearing and can answer.
1) "Faith" here means trust in God to act for us when we pray.
2) The gospels reveal this kind of faith.
a) Men lower paralytic through roof. Mark 2:5
b) Bleeding woman's faith heals her. Mark 5:25,34
c) Blind man's faith gives sight. Mark 10:51-52
3) One scholar's definition:
"Faith is the simple act of coming to Jesus with some need,
in complete confidence that he can, and will, deal
with it."
B. We must believe God's way is best.
1) "I believe God will answer my prayer, or in His higher
wisdom have a good reason why not." (James Adamson)
2) Jesus himself had this kind of faith. Luke 22:42
a) Gethsemane: "Not my will, but yours be done."
3) Only God sees the whole picture.
The story is told of a man in China who raised horses for a
When one of his prized stallions ran away, his friends gathered
at his home to mourn his great loss.
After they had expressed their concern, the man asked them this:
"How do I know whether what happened is bad or good?"
A couple days later the runaway horse returned with several
strays following close behind.
The same acquaintances again came to his house -- this time to
celebrate his good fortune.
The old gentleman asked them, "But how do I know whether it's
good or bad?"
That very afternoon the horse kicked the owner's son and broke
the young man's leg.
Once more the crowd assembled -- now to express their sorrow
over the latest incident.
"But how do I know if this is bad or good?" the father asked
Well, only a few days later, war broke out.
The man's son, however, was exempted from the military service
because of his broken leg.
Yes, you guessed it, the friends again gathered -- but we'll
stop the story there.
You can easily see how it could go on and on.
This story points out that from our limited human perspective,
it's impossible to know with certainty how to interpret the
experiences of life. #15348
V. When faith falls short.
A. There are reasons why God may not answer our prayers.
1) Because we are arguing with him.
2) Because we are complaining about our circumstances.
3) Because we are hesitant to be open to his answers.
B. Lack of faith hindered Jesus' ability to do miracles. Mark 6:4-6
1) Faith is necessary to discover God's power.
2) He doesn't just pour it out automatically.
C. Don't go back and forth.
1) James compares doubters to sea waves.
a) Snorkeling at Riviera Maya in Mexico: I floated over
a reef as waves rolled over me.
They pushed me back a few feet, they sucked me back
to where I started.
b) Doubting does the same thing: it results in no progress.
2) Doubt here is not about God's existence (James is writing
to believers) but about whether we will trust God.
a) A possible allusion to Peter walking on water.
b) Doubters don't receive answers.
1> We must have a unified mind.
VI. When we need a little help to believe.
A. Story of man with demon-possessed son. Mark 9:21
1) Man - "If you can, help us."
2) Jesus - "All things are possible to those who believe."
3) Man - "Lord, I believe. Help me with my unbelief."
(His son is healed by Jesus.)
B. Is he a double-minded person?
1) Not really. He is facing in the right direction.
2) But he feels inadequate.
3) God can handle inadequacy.
#15348 "Can We Interpret the Experiences Of Life?" by Rev. Dennis Marquardt,
Kerux Sermon #11504.
#33565 "No One Ought Ever Do That Again!" Wit And Wisdom at by Richard G. Wimer, Nov. 1, 2006.
These and 30,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be
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