Rev. David Holwick
First Baptist Church (Bible Study)
Ledgewood, New Jersey
April 14, 1994
Hebrews 1:14
I. Who angels are.
A. Angels are spiritual beings.
1) Generally they are good and obedient.
2) Some are fallen. Job 4:18; Isa 14:12-15, Ezek 28:12-19,
Matt 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4, Rev 12:9
B. In book of Daniel, they have personality and names. Dan 8:16ff; 9:21ff
1) There are also multitudes of throne angels. Dan 7:10,
compare Deut 33:2, Neh 9:6; Psalm 68:17
C. They are awe-inspiring, but not to be worshipped. Col 2:18
II. What they look like.
A. Hints of lustrous appearance and clothes. Matt 28:2f, Luke 2:9, Acts 1:10
B. Stephen's beatific face resembled an angel's. Acts 6:15
III. What they do.
A. Bearers of God's specific commands and tidings. Judg 6:11-23; 13:3-5
B. Bring help to needy servants of God. 1 Kings 19:5-7
C. Help in military battles. 2 Kings 19:35
1) They have war-like potential, hence "Lord of Hosts."
D. In New Testament, angels are involved in important work:
1) The giving of the Old Testament Law. Acts 7:63; Gal 3:19; Heb 2:2
2) The final judgment. Matt 16:27, Mark 8:38, 13:27, Luke 12:8f
3) They escort the righteous to heaven. Luke 16:22f
IV. Guardian angels.
A. Angels serve God and also people. Heb 1:14
B. They gave a special ministry to Jesus. Matt 4:11, 26:53, Luke 22:43
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