Rev. David Holwick V
First Baptist Church
Ledgewood, New Jersey
July 7, 1996
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
I. Rebellion is in our character.
A. American Revolution.
1) Whiskey rebellion soon after.
B. Rebellion in the home.
1) Creation festival compared to Woodstock.
a) Original Woodstock philosophy:
1> "Don't trust anyone over 30."
(Those who said it are now over 50.)
2> Bumper sticker: "Question Authority."
b) Images from "Creation '96."
1> Purple mohawks, black lipstick and spiked dog
collar necklaces.
2> Relationship with their parents?
C. Conflict between the generations.
"The world is passing through troubled times.
The young people of today think of nothing but themselves.
They have no respect for parents or old age.
They are impatient with any boundaries.
They talk as if they knew everything, and what passes for
wisdom with us is foolishness with them.
As for the girls, they are aggressive, immodest and
unfeminine in speech, behavior and dress."
That might have been written yesterday.
As a matter of fact, it is a quote from a sermon preached
by Peter the Hermit in 1274.
The generations have never understood each other very well.
D. Rebellion may seem to be inevitable, but it is not.
1) Different generations need each other.
2) Generations can get along.
3) The key is mutual respect. (That means it goes both ways.)
II. Biblical style of relationships.
A. Adults exercise authority.
1) Chain of command imagery. 1 Cor 11:3
a) God...Jesus...husband...wife...
1> Kids would be on the tail end.
b) Controversial.
1> Male domination?
2> If Bible is true, we disregard it at our peril.
2) Note Malachi 1:6 and how honor goes with respect,
just as fathers go with masters.
3) Bible never portrays children as equals with parents.
B. Children respect their elders.
1) Rebellion treated severely in OT.
a) Rotten kids are executed. Deut 21:18-21
2) Respect is related to obedience.
Tim Stafford is a writer for Christianity Today magazine,
and also a father with kids in school.
When he went to the annual back-to-school night, he noticed
huge hallway banners reading,
"Respect and Responsibility -- We Can Do It Together."
The principal took a few minutes to explain the theme to the
parents, then turned the program over to the cheerleaders.
They illustrated respect by lip-synching a bump-and-grind
rendition of Aretha Franklin's song of the same name.
At the final beat, they turned around, bent over, flipped up
their cheerleader skirts, and displayed the word RESPECT,
spelled out on pieces of paper pinned to their bottoms.
Stafford nudged his wife and said: "I don't think they've
completely grasped the concept."
a) Do what parents tell you to do.
b) Honor them as having wisdom you don't yet have.
C. Balanced by love.
1) Parents have authority, but cannot be tyrants.
a) Their discipline must be "in the Lord." Eph 6:1
b) Fathers especially must not exasperate kids. Eph 6:4
c) Positive (nurture) is as important as negative
d) Respect has boundaries: it doesn't violate our safety,
financial stability or our own families.
(Disc #47, p39)
2) Respect needs to be mutual.
a) To get respect, be respectable.
1> Play by fair rules.
2> Be consistent.
3> Be gracious, not hard.
A> Humility is important aspect.
B> Parents are not always right, and kids are not
always wrong.
b) Parents should also respect their kids.
1> Give kids guidelines and structure, but also
freedom to make their own decisions.
III. How long are the generations tied to each other?
A. "Honor thy father and mother" is not given an age limit.
1) Marriage changes things: Leave and cleave. Gen 2:24
2) But we always have commitment to parents.
a) Old Testament patriarchs had influence until death.
b) Jesus concerning "corban" and parents. Matt 7:10-13
B. Honor should remain, but obedience often turns to service.
1) Many take care of parents in old age. [Disc #58, p32f]
2) This can be the ultimate "Thank You."
C. Maturity can mean rebuilding broken relationships.
1) Not all parents are wonderful.
a) All have flaws.
2) Genuine faith means we learn how to forgive. [Disc #38,p33]
IV. Do you respect your Ultimate Parent? Malachi 1:6
A. If we can't respect our parents, we can't respect God.
1) Advantage: God is perfect.
2) Disadvantage: we cannot see God, and his standards are high.
B. Many are in rebellion against God.
1) Sinful habits.
2) Forbidden relationships.
3) Hurts us, and God.
C. Respect God by honoring him and obeying him.
1) To do this, follow his Son, Jesus.
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