2 Timothy 4_ 3      Mormonism

Rev. David Holwick

First Baptist Church           [Bible study]

Ledgewood, New Jersey

February 27, 1994

2 Timothy 4:3


  I. Modern Characteristics of Mormonism:

      A. Firmly established in the American West, with intense missionary

            activity all over the world.  (29,000 sent out annually)

      B. About 5,000,000 members.

      C. Strong emphasis on the family, clean living and work ethic.

      D. Ruled by a first president and the supreme council called "The

            Twelve Apostles."

      E. Church controls vast wealth, encourages tithing.

      F. Renegades are noted for polygamy, violence and an apocalyptic


      G. Mormon-owned enterprises:  Marriott Hotels, WordPerfect Software,

            Brigham Young University, the Osmond Family.

II. Brief history.

      A. Founded by Joseph Smith, Jr., who was born in Vermont in 1805.

            Attracted to "peep stones" and treasure hunting.  The area was

            torn by conflicting religious revivals; seeking God, Smith had

            a vision of the Father and the Son.

      B. Later, the angel Moroni guided him to Golden Plates, which he

            translated with special glasses.  This became the Book of

            Mormon, and tells of Israelites who came to the Americas and

            fought the local Indians.  (It was probably plagiarized from a

            novel by Rev. Spalding.)  Although written centuries before

            the King James Bible, it lifts entire passages, including those

            which incorrectly translate ancient Hebrew and Greek words.

      C. Smith gathered followers and moved to Nauvoo, Illinois, where he

            was killed by a mob.  The survivors under Brigham Young trekked

            to Utah to establish a theocracy.

      D. Seeking statehood, Utah was turned down due to its practice of

            polygamy.  The chief apostle had a vision that limited polygamy

            to heaven, and Utah became a state after those who still

            practiced polygamy were arrested by the government.

III. Main Deviations from historical Christianity.

      A. Mormons deny the Trinity and the deity of Jesus Christ.

          1) God the Father has a literal flesh-and-blood body and B. Young

               taught that he was the evolution of Adam.  compare John 4:24

          2) Jesus is equivalent to an archangel.

          3) Every Mormon can evolve into a god with their own world if

                they are faithful and have a large family.  In heaven

                they will be polygamous and have millions of spirit children

                to inhabit this planet.  Mormons say, "As man is, God once

                was - As God is, man may become."

      B. Mormonism denies the authority of the Bible.

          1) They add the "Book of Mormon," "The Pearl of Great Price,"

                and "Doctrine and Covenants" as inspired revelation.

          2) They say our Bible has errors in it.

      C. The virgin birth is denied.

          1) Jesus was born after the Father came to earth and had sex

                with Mary, according to Brigham Young.   compare Luke 1:3-35

      D. They do not believe in justification by faith alone.  Romans 5:1

          1) They believe this doctrine is an evil influence.

          2) Salvation comes from obedience to the Mormon Church and its

                teachings.  There is no hell, but the lowest level of

                their heaven is not much different.

      E. They misinterpret the atonement bought by Jesus.

          1) Christians believe Jesus' death washes away our sins and

                purchases eternal life for us.

          2) Mormons believe his atonement purchases only resurrection of

                a new body.

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