2 Timothy 1_ 8-12      Unashamed

Rev. David Holwick   V

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

June 27, 2010

2 Timothy 1:8-12


  I. America is not very good at shame.

      A. Boston is trying, though.

         In an unusual move this month, Boston police released a flyer

            with mugshots of 10 young men.

         On top it says, "These individuals are known to associate with

            known criminals and gang members."

         If you recognize them, you are supposed to call the police.

         The flyer was in response to the killing of a 14-year-old boy

            by gang members.

         What is interesting about the flyer is that the photos must

            have been taken at a police station, but no names are listed.

         The reason is that none of them have been charged with a crime,

            at least not yet.

         It is hoped that the shame of having grandma recognize you on

            a wanted poster will make you want to turn your life around.

         The reaction in the neighborhood is that it is more likely

            the youths will feel proud for being associated with gangs.


      B. Can we learn from Asia?

         Asians are really into the concept of shame.

         About ten years ago, the top executive of Korea's Hyundai

            corporation was accused of funneling $100 million to North

               Korea so they would attend a summit he was hosting.

         The bribe was uncovered and he was asked to testify about it.

         His response was to jump out of his 12th-floor office window.

         His suicide note just said, "This unwise man did an unwise

            thing.  Everything is my fault."                       #62859

      C. Perhaps we are good at shame, but in the wrong way.

          1) Instead of ashamed of bad things, maybe we are ashamed

                of good things.

          2) Paul apparently faced this with Timothy.

              a) Three times the issue of shame is raised.

              b) The implication is that Timothy was weak in these

                    areas, or could be.

      D. God can see us through.

          1) In spite of our personal limitations and life's

                difficulties, Christians have something special.

          2) Oswald Chambers - "All through history God has chosen and

                used nobodies, because their unusual dependence on him

                   made possible the unique display of his power and


          3) God can use nobodies like Timothy - and us.

              a) But we must be aware of three areas where we may fail.

II. Ashamed of the gospel.

      A. This was Paul's main focus with Timothy.

      B. The world's problems with the gospel.

          1) It is ancient history.

              a) We don't go to work in bathrobes anymore.

              b) How can this dusty story apply to me?

          2) It seems unfair.

              a) A religion requiring good works makes more sense.

              b) But as Paul puts it in verse 9, salvation is not from

                    anything we have done, but from what God has done

                       for us.

          3) It doesn't seem to work.

      C. The gospel's answers.

          1) It is current, not ancient.

              a) It describes the modern condition quite well.

              b) Maybe too well - our favorite sins are condemned.

                  1> His teaching on sex and money and commitment

                        are uncompromising.

                      A> We would rather be left alone.

                      B> We certainly don't want someone telling us

                            we must repent.

                  2> We are not saved by being holy, but we are saved

                        to become holy.                               1:9

              c) Perhaps this is why Christians are ashamed of it.

                  1> If we share it with other people, they will point

                        out where we fall short as well.

                  2> We often don't witness, not from lack of knowledge

                        but from fear of exposure and rejection.

          2) It is unfair - and we should praise God for it.

              a) A great mystery is that the gospel was planned out

                    before the universe was created.                  1:9

              b) It also points forward to eternity.

                  1> Only through Jesus is death defeated.

          3) It can work - if people apply it.

III. Ashamed of his people.

      A. Some were ashamed of Paul's imprisonment.                    1:8

          1) They probably had a "health & wealth" theology - Paul's

                troubles were a sign that God wasn't happy with him.

          2) Paul saw his trouble as a sign that God was going to shine

                through him.

              a) He admitted he was a prisoner - but not a prisoner

                    of Rome.  He was a prisoner of his Lord Jesus.

              b) Paul knew that his suffering would reveal God's power

                    through him to other people.

              c) Oswald Chambers has a good comment on this as well:

                 "Christians do not choose to suffer, but choose to do

                    God's will even if it means suffering."


      B. It is not uncommon to be ashamed of other believers.

          1) We are not as successful or beautiful or smart as other


          2) But the glory of the gospel is that God can take these

                lumps of clay and do great things with us.

IV. Ashamed of Jesus.

      A. Jesus seems pretty wimpy to our culture.

          1) We prefer Rocky and Rambo and John Wayne.

          2) Jesus preaches love and peace and is soft.

      B. But Jesus was a fiery prophet.

          1) His message paralleled that of John the Baptist.

          2) There was joy in his ministry, but also harsh words.

          3) Especially for "religious" people who were hypocrites.

      C. Jesus gave his disciples this warning in Mark 8:38 -

         "If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous

             generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him...."

          1) What will Jesus do with you?

          2) Do you admit to people that you believe in him?

          3) Do you admit it even when they are critical and hostile?

              a) It is easy to love Jesus in church.

              b) It is harder out in the world.

  V. Paul was not ashamed.

      A. He knew the one he believed in.

          1) In spite of his suffering, he knew that God had better

                things in store for him.

          2) When you know the real God, you can have confidence no

                matter what happens to you.

          Probably the greatest experimental scientist of all time was

             Michael Faraday.

          An article by Sir John Thomas argued that if Michael Faraday

             had been living in the era of the Nobel prize, he would

                have been worthy of at least eight of them.

          Faraday discovered the concept of the electromagnetic field

             and laid the foundation for modern electric motor technology.

          In 1867, Faraday was close to death.

          A friend and well-wisher came by and said, "Sir Michael, what

             speculations have you now?"

          This friend was trying to introduce some levity into the


          Faraday's career had consisted of making speculations about

             science and then dashing into a laboratory to either prove

                or disprove them.

          It was a reasonable thing to say.

          But Faraday took it very seriously.

             He replied:

             Speculations, man, I have none.

                I have certainties.

             I thank God that I don't rest my dying head upon

                speculations for

             "I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is

                 able to keep that which I've committed

                    unto him against that day."


      B. Who do you believe in?

          1) Do you have certainties like Faraday did?

          2) Or is your faith rather bland?

             A few years ago, someone wrote this:

      I am a part of the fellowship of the unashamed.

         I have the Holy Spirit Power.

            The die has been cast.

            I have stepped over the line.

            The decision has been made.

      I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

      I won't look back, let up, slow down, back away, or be still.

         My past is redeemed,

            my present makes sense,

               and my future is secure.

      I no longer need preeminence, prosperity, position, promotions,

         plaudits, or popularity.

      I now live by presence, learn by faith, love by patience,

         lift by prayer, and labor by power.

      My pace is set, my gait is fast, my goal is Heaven,

          my road is narrow, my way is rough, my companions few,

             my Guide is reliable, my mission is clear.

      I cannot be bought, compromised, deterred, lured away, turned back,

         diluted, or delayed.

      I won't give up, back up, let up, or shut up

         until I've preached up, prayed up, paid up, stored up,

            and stayed up for the cause of Christ.

      I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.

      I must go until He returns,

         give until I drop,

            preach until all know,

               and work until He comes.

      And when He comes to get His own, He will have no problem

         recognizing me.

      My colors will be clear for "I am not ashamed of the Gospel,

         because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone

            who believes." (Romans 1:16)




#13698  "Resting On Certainties," by W. W. Clay, from his "Choice

           Illustrations," page 63.  Fredericksburg Collection.

#24111  "Fellowship of the Unashamed," by Dr. Bob Moorehead.  Abe Kudra

           Collection.  [The author of this illustration is in dispute.

           See the Kerux database for more information]

#29004  "The Sacrament of the Saint," by Oswald Chambers.  Abe Kudra

           Collection.  [The wording here is slightly different from

           Kudra's version]

#62859  "How Asians Handle Shame," by Rev. Simon Scott, Kerux sermon

           #20599, January 11, 2004.

#62860  "Wanted Posters," by Rev. David Holwick, adapted from various

           media sources including <http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/


These and 35,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be

downloaded, absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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