2 Corinthians 4_6-10      How To Handle Failure

Rev. David Holwick  ZM

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

November 25, 1990

2 Corinthians 4:6-18


  I. Failure is hard to accept.

         One of the most prestigious universities in America is Harvard.

            Its graduates have a reputation for becoming world leaders.

         A few years back Senator Ted Kennedy's class had a reunion.

         Many of the classmates wrote personal testimonials of how their

            lives had turned out.

         One testimonial stood out from the others.

         This man said that he had succeeded in the eyes of the world.

            He had made a lot of money and wielded power in his industry.

         Yet he thought of himself as a failure.

            His marriage had broken up.

            He was estranged from his children, who didn't talk to him.

               Several of his kids had drug and money problems.

            This man had no friends.

         His was a sobering story, but one that all of us can relate to

            to some extent.


II. Our culture is success-oriented.

      A. We look up to people who attain fame, power, and wealth.

          1) Success of Randolph football team outshines Roxbury.

      B. Who are you in your dreams?

          1) President.

          2) Movie star.

          3) Football hero.

      C. The church is success oriented.

          1) Big churches glorified.

          2) Super-pastors.

          3) Testimonies - I was a loser, but I got saved and have no

                more problems.

III. We often fail, but don't know how to handle failure.

      A. Professor at MIT decided to teach a class on failure because it

            is a more common experience than success.

         A reporter asked him how many students failed the class.

         He sheepishly admitted none had, but 2 had incompletes.

      B. Christians have a special problem with failure.

          1) Once we are saved, we are not supposed to have problems or sin.

              a) Faith can conquer any situation.

              b) By living right, we should get right results.

          2) When Christians fail, they hide.

      C. Failure often seen as a moral problem.

          1) One of your kids makes bad choices - it's your fault.

              a) (You could be a bad influence, but they also have their

                   own free will.)

          2) Business failure marks you as stupid, lazy.

IV. How to handle failure.

      A. Expect failure.

          1) "All fall short of God's glory."                  Rom 3:23

          2) Most great people have overcome failure.

          3) True success often requires failure.

      B. Analyze your failure.

          1) Have you really failed, or merely fallen short of expectations?

          2) Are you a failure only because of a comparison to others?

             [Bank president who felt like a failure because it wasn't

              the biggest bank in the area.]

          3) Failure is woven into our sin-marked world.

              a) We fail (innocently) because of the sins of others.

                  1> OT passages on sins of fathers being visited on kids.

                  2> 2 Cor 4:7, and the current weakness of our bodies.

                      (Even when the flesh is willing, the spirit is weak.)

              b) We fail because of our own sins.

      C. Measure yourself by God's standards, not the world's.

          1) God doesn't give a hoot about your bank balance.

              a) Man looks at outward appearance, God at soul.   1 Sam 16:7

              b) "What is highly valued among men is detestable

                   in God's sight."                             Luke 16:15

              c) Jesus - gain world, but lose soul?             Mark 8:36

          2) God's standard:                               Micah 6:8

               "He has showed you, O man, what is good.

                   And what does the LORD require of you?

                To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with

                   your God."

      D. Learn from failure.  (And remember it)

           "Nothing succeeds like failure, because it is the best teacher."

         [Illustration of Borden, canned milk inventor.  #545]

          1) Repent if appropriate.

              a) God promises to forgive if we confess.     1 Jn 2:1

              b) No failure lasts forever, unless you fail to accept God's

                   offer of salvation.

          2) People can change.

              a) Paul called himself the worst of sinners, yet did great

                   things for the Lord.

              b) Break the pattern of failure.

          3) Be humble.

              a) Failure reminds us we are creatures, not the creator.

      E. Keep faith in God.

          1) Even if we are faithless, he remains faithful.  2 Tim 2:11-13

              a) His promises never fail.        Josh 23:14

          2) He accepts us in our failure and sin.           Rom 5:8

              a) Yet his desire is for us to avoid defeat.

              b) Note example of Peter.

                 "I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not

                   fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your

                   brothers."                                Luke 22:32

          3) The church should accept those who fail.

  V. Despite failure, don't give up.

      A. Success can come after a string of failures.

         The life of Abraham Lincoln is a good example.

         In 1831 he failed in business.

         In 1832 he was defeated for the legislature.

         In 1833 he again failed in business.

         In 1834 he was elected to the legislature.

         In 1835 his sweetheart died.

         In 1836 he had a nervous breakdown.

         In 1838 he was defeated for speaker of the legislature.

         In 1840 he was defeated for elector.

         In 1843 he was defeated for Congress.

         In 1846 he was elected to Congress.

         In 1848 he ran for re-election to Congress, but was defeated.

         In 1855 he was defeated for the Senate.

         In 1856 he was defeated for Vice-President.

         In 1858 he was defeated for the Senate.

         In 1860 he was ELECTED PRESIDENT.                         #1366

      B. Don't let memory of failure defeat you.

          1) We may be hard-pressed, but not crushed or destroyed.

                                                              2 Cor 4:8-9

          2) Dramatic statement by Luther: "Trust God and sin boldly."

          3) Commit your actions to God.

              a) "Attempt something so impossible that unless God is in it,

                   it is doomed to failure."        (John Hagaii)   #1148

      C. God gives us permission to succeed.

          1) He renews us from the inside out.            4:16

          2) Fix your eyes on eternity.                   4:18

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