1 Timothy 5:2      R.E.S.P.E.C.T.

Rev. David Holwick   ZJ

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

October 23, 2016

                                                          Proverbs 11:16

                                                          1 Timothy 5:2


  I. Women don't get much respect.

      A. Missionary letter, Peru to Ledgewood, October 10, 1955.

          1) Dorothy Reed's letter to Mr. Kelsall:

             ...along with the good news comes the not so good.

             One of our believers, a woman, .. got drunk.

             We felt very badly about it because she was drinking and

                with a group of men.

             This morning Don Juan, her husband, told me that he gave

                her a beating and told her that was no way for a

                   Christian to behave herself.

             He is a believer too.

             He said he wanted her to remember, so that is why he beat


             It sounds like very harsh treatment, but that is the custom

                here. ...

             She has asked him to forgive her and he has, and I told him

                that she must ask the Lord's forgiveness too.


             (There is no indication the husband was told to ask the

                Lord's forgiveness.)

          2) Aretha Franklin would not be impressed.

              a) As she would say, "R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what that

                    means to me."

      B. We may be a little better, but not too much.

          1) Furor over Donald Trump and his crude comments on video.

              a) He acknowledged the video, saying it wasn't his

                    "true self."

              b) Then many more accusers came forward, whom he

                    repudiated and called liars.

          2) I cannot prove it one way or the other.

              a) But his public record, which is abundant, does not make

                    him look good in this area.

              b) And in this, he is not alone.

      C. How does God want women to be treated?

          1) And how are you treating women?

II. Women are treated poorly around the world.

      A. There is widespread disrespect, abuse and molestation.

          1) One member of our church wrote me, "It is my belief that

                every woman has been in a situation where she was not

                   respected by a man.  Even by so called Christian men."

          2) 1 in 3 women will experience physical abuse by an intimate

                partner within their lifetime in the United States.

          3) On a typical day, 20,000 phone calls are placed to

                domestic violence hotlines.

          4) 1 in 5 women have been raped.  For men, it is 1 in 71.   [2]

          5) The number of American troops killed in Afghanistan and

                Iraq between 2001 and 2012 was 6,488.

             The number of American women who were murdered by current

                or ex male partners during that time was 11,766.

             That's nearly double the amount of casualties lost during

                war.                                                  [3]

      B. Powerful men have been accused.

          1) At Fox News, Bill O'Reilly, their star commentator, and

                Roger Ailes, the news chief and one of the most powerful

                   men in American media, have been accused of harassment.

              a) They made strong denials but the evidence kept piling

                    up.  To the shock of many, Roger Ailes was fired.

              b) Women at Fox News say it was run like a boys club and

                    was rife with abusive men.

          2) Comedian David Letterman had multiple affairs with

                employees and even with a college intern at his show.

          3) And, of course, there is Bill Clinton.

              a) He also denied every charge against him - until the

                    evidence was revealed.

              b) Some of it was probably consenting, but as a married

                    man all of it was unacceptable.

      C. Plenty of un-powerful men have abused women.

          1) One member of our church was explicitly hit on by another

                member, on a Sunday, in Jackson Hall.


          2) Women are also mistreated by being belittled.

               A woman in this church told me when she asked for a

                  raise at her first job, they asked her how much her

                     husband made.

               And I am not talking about the 1940s here.

          3) They are often mistreated by those who should be dealing

                with them lovingly - fathers, brothers, teachers,

                   neighbors, boyfriends, husbands.

III. Why are men such jerks?

      A. God made them that way.

          1) Our biology is a fact of life.

              a) We are created with hormones and strong sexual drive.

              b) You could also argue he created us with thick,

                    sin-warped heads.

          2) Biology does not have to be determinative.

              a) We can rise above urges.

              b) We all have impulses to do violence or break laws,

                    but we can choose not to do those things.

      B. Men's nature can be civilized.

          1) Mothers play an important role in this.

              a) They should teach their sons to respect them and their


              b) Fathers can also set an example.

                 For this sermon, I asked numerous women what their

                    own experiences with abuse and disrespect had been.

                 I heard some horror stories, but I had a woman

                    write of her own husband,

                 "He has taught our sons with word and deed that

                    there is never a reason or circumstance that

                       women are to be treated with anything but


                 God bless him!

          2) This is also one of the critical roles of marriage.

              a) A big concern in China is that preference for sons

                    and selective abortion of women have produced a

                       severe imbalance between the sexes.

              b) Tens of millions of men will not be able to find wives.

              c) The government is concerned about the expected

                    growth of gangs and anti-social behavior.

IV. Is the Bible part of the problem?

      A. It contains plenty of horrible examples of sexism.

          1) Innocent women are handed over to evil men and meet a

                cruel fate.

          2) The patriarch Jacob unknowingly impregnates his

                daughter-in-law, assumes she has committed adultery,

                   and condemns her to death.

              a) When she fingers him as the culprit, he admits he was

                    wrong.  But he doesn't put HIMSELF to death.

          3) In Esther, a woman refuses to parade herself for a drunken

                husband.                                   Esther 1:15-20

              a) She is replaced for being disrespectful.

              b) They wouldn't consider that the king was being oafish.

                  1> Even today, women are judged by a tougher standard.

          4) These are examples from life as it was lived, but are not

                necessarily God's ideal.

              a) The consequences of their actions shows that God was

                    not pleased with these men.

              b) There are also passages like Proverbs 31 which shows

                    a strong independent woman who was praised by her

                      husband, children and community.

      B. There are issues in the Bible which are tougher to handle.

          1) In some Old Testament laws, women's lives were given a

                lower value in certain situations.

          2) Women were at a disadvantage in divorce, property ownership,

                and legal proceedings.

          3) In the New Testament, women were restricted in leadership

                and told to be silent in church.

              a) This may have been a local situation, but the tone

                    has bothered women ever since.

              b) Yet Paul also says men and women need each other and

                    were created by God to be interdependent.

                 1 Corinthians 11:11-12

                 "In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man,

                    nor is man independent of woman.

                  For as woman came from man, so also man is born of

                    woman.  But everything comes from God."

  V. How Christians should treat women.

      A. Men should treat women with complete decency.

          1) Paul's command in 1 Timothy 5:2 --

             "Treat...older women as mothers, and younger women as

                 sisters, with absolute purity."

          2) In a sex-obsessed culture, purity is important.

              a) Men, watch your attitudes in relationships, at work,

                    on internet, and especially in church.

              b) Focus on women's inner beauty more than the external.

          3) Proverbs 31 - honor and praise women of good character.

      B. Jesus is the gold standard.

          1) He shattered the attitudes of his culture.

              a) He spoke to women he didn't know.

              b) He forgave them of great sins and defended them

                    against hostile mobs.

              c) He taught them and let them follow him as disciples.

          2) Women showed their devotion to him.

              a) Forgiven women wept at his feet.

              b) Some of those closest to him wept at his cross -- but

                    were also the first witnesses of the resurrection.

              c) Throughout the history of the Christian church, women

                    have been at the forefront of ministry and devotion.

      C. How are you treating women?

          1) Christians should set a high standard.

              a) Every woman who responded to my email mentioned their

                    husbands as being respectful of them and other women.

                 "My husband has never treated me with anything other

                     than the utmost respect.

                  I have never seen or heard him speak of any woman

                     with anything with anything other than respect

                        as a woman.

                  If he has anything to say against a woman, it is based

                     on her actions or words, not on her gender."

              b) Men, could your wife or girlfriend write this about you?

          2) Women are not off the hook - they can be cruel to other


             One of our members wrote me:

             "To be honest, I thought of many examples where Christian

                women (or at least women who claimed to be Christian)

                   were the ones treating me or others badly.

             Being critical or rude, gossiping, etc.

                This doesn't help you for your sermon."

             (She was wrong there.)

          3) Also for women, are you acting respectfully?

              a) Does the way you act, speak and dress show that you

                    are a person worthy of respect?

                  1> Our appearance makes a statement about who we are

                        and what we want in life.

                  2> A female member wrote me that it is wrong for men

                        to treat women as objects, but at the same time

                           there are far too many women who ACT like


                     They crave the attention that crude behavior brings.

              b) How do you want to be treated?

          4) Bring out the best in all people.

              a) Protect the vulnerable, the weak, the innocent.

              b) Treat all people with esteem and love, like God wants.

                 One email said,

                 "There have been times when guys have taken the time to

                    not speak over me, ask for and consider my opinion,

                       or even stand up for me when they didn't have to.

                 Those are the times that stick out to me."

                 She added that she was blessed to have a husband

                    who supports her in attending church and its events.

                 She wrote in conclusion:

                 "My heart breaks for all the spouses and partners in

                    our very own church who don't support and respect

                      their women's most basic right, to worship God

                         on a Sunday morning."

              c) If you truly respect women, encourage them, stand up

                    for them -- and pray for them.



1. Letter from Ledgewood Baptists history archives, from Dorothy Reed

      of the South America Indian Mission Inc, to Mr. Kelsall, dated

      October 10, 1955.

2. Statistics from the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence,


3. 30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It's An

      Epidemic, by Alanna Vagianos, Women's Editor, The Huffington Post,

      23 October 2014, updated 13 February 2015; <link>.

These and 35,000 others are part of the Kerux database that can be

downloaded, absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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