1 Samuel 3:1-10      Does God Still Speak?

Rev. David Holwick  J

First Baptist Church          (also see Job 33:13-18...)

Ledgewood, New Jersey

March 9, 1997

1 Samuel 3:1-10


  I. "God told me."

      A. Popularity of visions, channeling, spiritual experiences.

          1) Human desire has always been to contact the divine.

          2) Strength for evangelicals, especially charismatics.

              a) Faith is something REAL.  God is really there.

      B. What would God tell you to do?

            Six years ago the "Los Angeles Times" told the story of

               Bob Haifley.

            Spending 2,500 work hours over five years, Bob glued

               65,000 toothpicks to build a life-sized Jesus.

            It hangs from a wire in his garage against a black

               backdrop, illuminated by a spotlight.

            What made Haifley, a humble water-department supervisor

               and non-artist, start collecting toothpicks and inviting

                 the ridicule of his neighbors by building California's

                    answer to Noah's Ark?

            "God told me to do it," he says.

            According to Haifley, God not only commissioned the work

               one day while he was driving his pickup, but showed

                  him how to do the spiky hair after years of indecision.

            Did God REALLY tell him all this?


      C. What does it mean to say, "God told me"?

          1) What people say:

              a) I saw a heavenly messenger and heard his words.

              b) I heard clear words that seemed to come from God.

              c) God spoke to me in a dream.

              d) I felt a strange pressure from somewhere outside me.

              e) I think I knew what God wanted me to do.

          2) Room for everyone from Jonah to Jim Jones.

              a) God speaks to some through burned tortillas.

              b) He apparently tells others to kill their mothers.

II. Biblical ways God speaks.

      A. Theophany - direct encounter.

          1) The God of the Bible is a God who reveals himself.

              a) If he doesn't, we cannot know him.

          2) Moses and burning bush.                           Exod 3:4f

              a) Moses hidden in cleft of rock.                Exod 33:22

          3) "Face to face" is ultimate experience.            Num 12:8

              a) This side of heaven, it is normally impossible. 1Jn 4:12

              b) Any direct encounter is also rare in Bible.

      B. Direct vision/voice/dreams.

          1) Young Samuel in tabernacle and God's voice.       1 Sam 3:1f

              a) Audible voice.

              b) Obedient response.

          2) Paul on road to Damascus.

              a) Others heard sound, saw light, but no more.

              b) Given messages on several different occasions.

      C. Through religious feelings.

          1) "Still, small voice."                          1 Kings 19:12

              a) Most revelation is subtle, not dramatic.

              b) Old Testament uses "hear" and "listen" metaphorically.

                  1> Pay attention to Bible.

                  2> "Listen" when you come to church.           Eccl 5:1

          2) Reading Bible.

              a) Jesus speaks of "hearing" God's Word.

              b) To hear it, is to do it.

          3) Our conscience.

              a) What "seems right," as long as it is biblical. Acts 15:28

              b) Baptist ministers and "call" to ministry.

III. Does God speak today?

      A. Cessationist approach.

          1) Jesus and his words are God's ultimate revelation.   Heb 1:2

          2) Once the NT was completed, special revelation stopped.

              a) Nothing can be added or taken away from it.    Rev 22:18

          3) Prophecies, special revelation will cease.        1 Cor 13:8

      B. Continuationist approach.

          1) Joel's Pentecost prophecy only partially fulfilled. Acts 2:17

              a) Church age is period of universal Spirit.

              b) "Two Witnesses" of Tribulation.               Rev 11:3

          2) Visions were common in typical NT churches.       1 Cor 14

              a) Apostles and others received visions often.

              b) Spirit-tradition continued after NT finished.

          3) No hint in NT of cessation of Spirit.

              a) 1 Cor 13:8 speaks of glorification, not canon.

              b) Removal of Spirit at Rapture?  People still saved.

      C. WORD vs. word.

          1) Inspired messages for all time (Bible).

              a) Conclusion of Church is that this is completed.

              b) No need for more revelation: Mormons, Muslims...

          2) Daily guidance.

              a) Paul and Agabus.                              Acts 21:10

                  1> (Paul goes against prophecy for a higher goal.)

              b) God can guide us in every detail of our lives.   Ps 32:8

IV. The need for discernment.

      A. Not all messages are from God.                      Jer 23:21-31

          1) Satanic messages.

      B. Cultural dimension.

          1) New Age emphasis on channeling, etc.

          2) Catholics and visions of Mary, Pentecostals and 800 ft.


  V. Signs of God's true word.

      A. Can only be heard by those who are receptive.

          1) Spiritual insight required.                       1 Cor 2:14

          2) Is person a genuine Christian?

          3) Do other spiritual Christians give agreement?

      B. Consistent with past revelation.

          1) God does not contradict himself or his Bible.

              a) In NT, all visions of Jesus have him in heaven.

          2) Voices and visions should be rare.  Skepticism called for.

      C. Calls us back to God and morality.

          1) God is not telling you to cheat on taxes.

          2) God is not telling you to cheat on spouse.

VI. Clearest way God speaks.

      A. Better than prophets - Jesus himself.                   Heb 1:2

          1) His words should cut us to the heart.

      B. Study the Bible...

      C. Listen to God when you come into his house.             Eccl 5:1

      D. When you hear, obey.

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