1 Corinthians  4_ 8-20      Imitate Me

Rev. David Holwick  X

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

July 29, 1990

1 Corinthians 4:8-20


  I. What do people think of you?

      A. Newspaper - we spend $45 billion on cosmetics, yet say we feel

            they don't change the real us.

          1) We must care how others see us.

      B. Important for young people.

          1) How others see them molds their perception of themselves.

      C. Older people.

          1) We judge ourselves by our job, salaries.

          2) By our families, spouse.

              a) Barbara Bush at Wellsley.

                    Students devalued her because she dropped out of

                    school to raise a family.

II. What the Corinthians thought of Paul.

      A. They didn't think much of Paul.                   4:3

          1) His apostleship was downgraded.

          2) His authority was questioned.

          3) His ministry was rejected.

          4) He seemed weak.  Little to admire.

      B. The Corinthians thought a great deal of themselves.

          1) Spiritually rich, smart, strong.      4:8,10

          2) Concerned about reputation.           4:10

          3) They had "arrived."                   4:8

              a) In Paul's view, they were arrogant.       4:18

      C. Paul's approach.

          1) The opinion of others doesn't matter.          4:3

          2) Our own opinion of ourselves doesn't matter.   4:3-4

          3) God's assessment of us is what is critical.    4:4-5

III. What God will think of us.

      A. We must be faithful to our task in life.

          1) Multi-faceted.

              a) Job.

              b) Family.

              c) Church.

      B. God will one day judge us.                        4:5

          1) Even the dark hidden things in our lives.

          2) Enough gossip in world - image what's still hidden.

          3) Should be motivation to clean up our lives.

      C. Paul and the Corinthians.

          1) The Corinthians had a skewed view of things.

              a) Since they had "arrived" (kings) they had no concept

                    of future judgment.

              b) Their sinful lifestyle proved it.

                  1> No accountability.

          2) Paul was faithful to his task, working for Jesus.

IV. Thinking of Jesus.

      A. Christians may not be successful in world's eyes.

          1) We are not kings yet, but we are aiming at it.

          2) In meantime, we don't need to cover up our

               insecurities and shortcomings.

          3) Be real about ourselves.

      B. Much of Paul's ministry involved suffering.

          1) He felt he was a pathetic figure being paraded.    4:9

          2) But he responded as Jesus would.

              a) Bless, pray for, enduring, answering kindly.    4:12-13

              b) He preached gospel to Corinthians themselves, and so

                   became a spiritual father to them.         4:16

      C. Our way of handling difficulty in life says more about our

           faith and character than anything else.

  V. What others should be able to think of us.   (Imitation)    4:16

      A. Calling for imitation seems arrogant.

          1) Nobody's perfect.

      B. All of us are examples to others.

          1) Whether we want to be, or not.

              a) We shy from being examples out of false modesty.

              b) In reality, we don't want to go to the effort.

          2) People who look up to us.

              a) Our children.

             Good parenting is an imitation of how God relates to us

                as His children.

             Parents have a large impact on the religious beliefs of

                their children.

             One study found that fathers who attend church at least

                  three times a month,

                  discuss religion at home,

                  and are committed to their beliefs

                       have sons who follow the same pattern.

             Fathers who do not follow these 3 things have an inconsistent


             Parents can make mistakes and still be successful.


              b) Spouses.

             Jim Young, successful oil company executive.

                Wife Alma attended Bible study, got saved.

                    Began studying Bible, going to church.

             Her life changed.

                More loving and patient.

                Peace in difficult situations.

                Never preached to him.

             Jim liked the changes, but didn't understand them.

                Went to church but didn't like altar call.

                Finally went to a Bible study and liked the people.

                   Pastor cut it short to watch a ballgame.

             Pastor asked if he was a Christian.

                He assumed he was, but hadn't thought much about it.

                Jim studied Jesus and found the Truth.

             "Coming to Christ was a process, directed by the Word

                 of God and the influence of other Christians.

              Without a word my wife demonstrated Christ's love."

              c) Friends.

          3) We should strive to be the best example for others we can.

      C. Although they did not think highly of him, Paul says they should

           follow his example in life.                         4:16

          1) Content of imitation is his way of life in Christ.     4:17

              a) Doctrine.         4:17

              b) Ethics.

          2) Agrees with what he taught.

              a) So often we imply, "Do what I say, not what I do."

              b) Our actions speak more loudly.

                  1> What do our actions say of us?

                  2> The Kingdom is power, not words.        4:20

VI. What do people think of us?

      A. As believers.

      B. As a church.

          1) We sometimes talk big.

          2) Do we measure up in power?

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