1 Corinthians  3_ 9-15      Trial By Fire

Rev. David Holwick  T

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

May 30, 1993

1 Corinthians 3:9-15


  I. Testing time.

      A. Final exams are soon approaching in school.

      B. God's final exam is also approaching.

          1) He will assess our lives in detail.

          2) He looks at us as if we are building contractors.

II. Building from the ground up.                                   3:9

      A. Church is in view, more than individuals.

          1) Each of us is making our contribution to God's house.

          2) What one of you does, reflects on all of us.

      B. Jesus is only foundation.                                  3:11

          1) If foundation is weak, building won't stand.

              a) King Store and massive basement walls.

              b) Jesus is a firm foundation.

          2) Jesus is required - not just one answer among many.

              a) Only name for salvation.                         Acts 4:12

              b) No one gets to Father except through Jesus.      John 14:6

III. "Be careful how you build..."       The structure is up to us.

      A. The Christian life is open-ended potential.

          1) Are we content to rest in our salvation?

              a) Or do we intend to build ourselves up?

              b) Most Christians exhibit little growth.

          2) New office buildings at Roxbury Mall.    <<<<<<

              a) Look good on outside, but an empty shell.

      B. Different building materials.

          1) Gold, silver, precious stones alludes to materials of

                Solomon's Temple.

          2) Wood, hay and straw are easily consumed.

              a) (3 pigs and Big Bad Wolf)

          3) What we do for God lasts, rest does not.  Perishes.

IV. How to build with quality in the Christian life.

      A. Know your God.

          1) Bible is our blueprints.

              a) Nightmare in college - I realize I have final exam in

                   a class I never attended, and didn't read material.

              b) Do we read God's material?

              c) Disciplined Bible study is surest way to grow as a


          2) Prayer keeps us in God's power.

              a) Most people talk about prayer, more than they pray.

              b) If prayer seems remote, challenge God to reveal what

                    he can do.

      B. Watch your inner life.

          1) Mexico City earthquake - buildings looked the same, but

                substandard building practices and materials caused

                  some to collapse.

             [Building demolition:  only a few supports need to be knocked


          2) Moral impurity causes many Christians to fall.

              a) Sin that is not checked only grows worse.

              b) After a while, you will feel no pangs of guilt but the

                    damage will still be there.

          3) Challenge yourself to do what Jesus would do in everyday


          Charles Swindoll tells the story of a well-respected British

             pastor who lived around the turn of the century.

          Each day he commuted by trolley car from his home in the suburbs

             to his church in downtown London.

          On this particular day, he paid the driver as he got on,

             preoccupied with his busy schedule and the needs of his church.

          It wasn't until he was seated that he realized the driver has

             given him too much change.

          Fingering the coins, his first thought was an alien one,

             "My, how wonderfully God provides!"

          But the longer he sat there, the less comfortable he became.

          His conscience telegraphed a strong signal of conviction

             within him.

          As he walked to the door to get off near his church, he looked

             at the driver and quietly said,

             "When I got on, you accidentally gave me too much change."

          The driver, with a sly smile, replied,

             "It was no accident at all.

          You see, I was in your congregation yesterday and heard your

             sermon on honesty.

          I just thought I'd put you to the test, Reverend."


  V. Tested by fire.

      A. Diane Sloane and burning barbecue illustration.

          1) Waco, Texas, conflagration.  Nothing left.

      B. Not purgatory here.

          1) Only NT passage that is used.

          2) Testing of quality in view, not purification.

          3) All Christians will be saved, but some will have little

                to show for their faith.   (Singed smell)

      C. Our lives count for something NOW, either loss or gain, for all


          1) Now is the only time we can serve Christ in this body.

          2) Now is the only time we can lead another person to Christ,

                the only time we can heal the sick, free the captive.

          3) Each of us will stand ALONE before Jesus Christ.

              a) We won't be able to blame anything on anyone else.

              b) We will have to answer for what we did, with what He

                    gave us.

      D. How do you assess your faith?   HOW WILL GOD?

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