1 Corinthians 14_ 1-19   The Question of Tongues

Rev. David Holwick  ZG              "Questions People Ask" topical series

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey                            

October 27, 2002

1 Corinthians 14:1-19


  I. Strange prayer.

      A. Stories by Billy Graham about the gift of tongues:

         A leading minister in the Church of Scotland lay in the

            Intensive Care Unit of a Glasgow hospital.

         He knew that his life hung in the balance - at any minute he

            might be seeing his Lord face to face.

         And so, he began talking to Him.

         As he did, he found himself praying in a language he had never

            heard before.

         After confiding this to a friend, he never mentioned it again.

            He recovered to serve his Lord for several more years.

      B. A Sunday School class.

         A Sunday school class was studying the person and work of the

            Holy Spirit.

         The church was in a neighborhood where speaking in tongues had

            become a divisive issue among believers.

         After one particularly exciting meeting the college Sunday

            school teacher was asked to speak on the Holy Spirit.

         One by one the students shared their experience with this


         The teacher, recalling the class some months later, mentioned

            three people who stood out in his memory.

         One, whose testimony had the ring of truth to it, for a few

            months after his experience became totally preoccupied with


         He spoke of little else and did his best to see that other

            believers had the same experience.

         Eventually, however, he leveled off, realizing the Holy Spirit

            had been given to enable us to glorify the Lord Jesus in

               differing ways.

         Today he is a uniquely gifted minister of the gospel.

         A second class member, who also claimed to speak in tongues,

            was expelled from his college a few weeks later for open,

               repeated, and unrepentant immorality.

         A third who stands out in the teacher's memory was a recently-

            converted street-fighter from one of our large cities.

         After the class, he had taken the teacher to one side and

            confided that he had been at a meeting where he had

               recognized the language spoken.

         When the teacher asked him what language it was, he replied,

            "The language I used to hear when I assisted my grandmother

                who was a spirit medium."

         The teacher told Billy Graham he thought these cases illustrated

            three sources for what are called tongues:

             1. the Holy Spirit.

             2. psychological influence.

             3. satanic influence.


II. The fastest-growing movement in Christianity.

      A. It began on the Day of Pentecost, A.D. 30.

          1) It ended with the Montanist movement of the second century.

          2) A few tiny groups practiced it on fringes of Christianity

                for the next eighteen centuries.

          3) Then there was a revival in Los Angeles in 1900 at the Azusa

                Street revival.  Tongues invaded the twentieth century


      B. Typical in Third World, even among Baptists.

          1) It is practiced many groups in America.

              a) Even Catholics and mainstream Protestants have been


              b) It has revitalized many dying liberal churches.

          2) But it is limited among Baptists in America and Europe.

      C. Controversial.

          1) Necessary sign of Spirit and salvation?  (Pentecostalism)

          2) Limited to the past and forbidden today?

III. We all have a desire for transcendence.

      A. Transcendence: breaking through to the presence of God.

          1) For many, Christianity is powerless and stale.

              a) Parents force us to go to get some morality.

              b) Church doesn't seem real or interesting.

          2) We search for the real thing.

              a) Some choose witchcraft over Christianity.

                 A new college has started in Austria that has serious

                    courses in witchcraft and occult.

                 Student witch Katharina, a bespectacled middle-aged

                    librarian by day, said she was drawn to the course

                       because something was missing from her life.

                 "I was looking for direction.

                  Christianity was too narrow for me and didn't give me

                     the answers I needed."                        #22323

              b) One reason Halloween has become so popular - linked to

                    supernatural realities.

              c) Tongues has a similar appeal.

      B. Tongues offers a direct link to God.

          1) Young people are especially interested in it.

              a) It would affirm to us that God is real and we are not

                    making our faith up.

          2) Goes against our over-emphasis on rationalism.

          3) A touch of the miraculous, and deep emotions.

      C. Simple solution - what does the Bible say?

IV. Ecstasy in the Bible.

      A. Saul and the school of prophets.                1 Samuel 10:5-12

          1) Literal ecstasy.                   compare 1 Samuel 19:19-24

      B. Jesus' prediction of tongues.

          1) (only in a text that most scholars think is a later

                addition to Mark)                              Mark 16:17

          2) His advice: don't get excited about spiritual powers - get

                excited that your name is in God's book.       Luke 10:20

      C. The original Pentecost.                               Acts 2

          1) Actual known languages.

              a) Jewish pilgrims all heard their languages spoken.

              b) Must all tongues be known languages?

              c) Scientific studies have shown tongues are not known

                    languages (unless speaker has been exposed to them)

                       but are gibberish.

          2) Yet elsewhere in Bible tongues seems to be ecstatic

                language, what Paul calls the "tongues of angels."

              a) Paul says the speakers themselves do not know what

                    they are saying.

              b) Actual human language is not necessary.

              c) Even in Bible, tongues are assumed to be gibberish

                    unless there is a supernatural interpretation.

              d) Note different groups brought into church in Acts,

                    whose tongues seem to be ecstasy like Saul's.

      D. A sign of the end.                   Joel 2:28-32 / Acts 2:17-21

          1) Peter's sermon at Pentecost interprets the event in light

                of Joel 2.

              a) Joel says ordinary people and not just prophets would

                    have visions and supernatural experiences.

              b) Then there would be heavenly signs - a precursor to

                    coming of the Messiah.

          2) The heavenly signs did not happen at that time - does

                resumption of tongues mean Jesus is coming soon?

              a) The original Pentecost was only a foretaste.

  V. Further information in 1 Corinthians.

      A. Tongues are only mentioned by Paul because of problems.

          1) The worship of the church was out of kilter.

              a) One-up-manship among leaders.

              b) "I am more spiritual than you."

              c) They bragged about their spiritual gifts.

          2) Yet Paul reveals - uniquely - he practices it a lot himself.

      B. Passed away with perfection?                       1 Cor 13:8-10

          1) Popular interpretation among evangelical Baptists.

              a) "Perfection" is said to be completion of New Testament.

              b) We no longer need tongues.

          2) But this interpretation not supported by passage.

              a) Paul says we will know as we are known by God.

                  1> Obviously not true now, even with New Testament.

              b) Perfection must be our glorification in heaven, not

                    completion of New Testament.

      C. Tongues have limits within church worship.

          1) Understandability is key.

          2) Tongues are possible even in church but emphasis is put

                on supernatural interpretation of message so hearers

                   will know what it is about.

          3) Otherwise visitors will think you are nuts!      1 Cor 14:23

VI. The place for tongues.

      A. Private devotions.

          1) Pray in your spirit.

              a) Irrational, but reminds us God is beyond our reasoning.

          2) Does not produce spirituality by itself.

              a) ALL Christians have at least one spiritual gift from

                    God, and it does not have to be tongues.

              b) Having a dramatic gift does not mean we are close to

                    God - King Saul himself turned out to be a loser.

      B. Special missionary setting?

          1) Cannot deny the possibility of miracles, so that a

                foreigner could understand a message in tongues.

          2) But early Pentecostal missionaries to Asia found Chinese

                understood tongues as well as Baptists do.

              a) They decided to learn Chinese the normal way.

      C. Tongues in church?  In a Baptist church?

          1) We cannot forbid it.

              a) Some here practice it privately, which is fine.

          2) But not our normal practice in corporate worship.

              a) Would cause consternation.

              b) If you desire it for normal everyday worship, you would

                    probably be better off in a local charismatic church.

VII. However we speak to God, He wants to speak to us!

      A. God speaks to our hearts through our minds.

      B. Genuine fellowship and prayer can bring us to the experience

            of transcendence.

      C. Have you had this experience?



[1]     "The Holy Spirit," by Billy Graham, pages 167-68.

#22323  "School Demystifies Witchcraft," by Julia Ferguson, Reuters, from

           America Online, October 8, 2002.

These and 20,000 others are part of a database that can be downloaded,

absolutely free, at http://www.holwick.com/database.html


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