1 Corinthians 11_20-29      Real Communion

Rev. David Holwick  ZF

First Baptist Church

Ledgewood, New Jersey

September 30, 1990

1 Corinthians 11:17-34


  I. Going through the motions.

      A. Easy to do in religious things.

      B. Proper procedure or words, but no Spirit in it.

          1) Worse, doing it in sin.

      C. Corinth was doing this with communion.

II. First century practice of the Lord's Supper.

      A. Jewish roots.

                  Moshe Rosen, "Jews for Jesus".

             Moshe was converted to faith in Jesus Christ as his Messiah.

                He went to a Baptist church on communion Sunday.

             He asked what communion was, since he had never taken it.

                They said it was much like Passover.

             Moshe got excited because Passover was a big deal.

                Lots of food, many courses.

             He came to church starved and waiting for a good time.

             At the very end of the service the deacons passed out

                chunks of bread.  Very tiny chunks.

             Then a thimble filled with a little juice came around.

                Moshe's stomach was growling, but no food was in sight.

             They stood and sang "Blest Be the Tie that Binds"

                (he noticed they all had ties on) and the service ended.

             Moshe Rosen was very disappointed.

                Communion was not like Passover one bit.


      B. Jesus' Last Supper was probably an actual Passover feast

           with all the fixings.

          1) Note that the bread and the cup are separated by "supper."


          2) Luke 22:17 adds a second cup, which came first.

               Passover meals had three cups of wine.

          3) In a passover meal, certain foods were given spiritual

                meaning related to the Exodus.

              a) The unleavened bread recalled their haste in fleeing


              b) At the Last Supper, Jesus associated the food with his

                    upcoming death, and what it would mean to them.

      C. In the early Church, communion was always associated with

            a full meal, or "love feast".        Jude 12

          1) It is not clear if the meal was separate from the

               words of communion, or included in it.

          2) The Corinthians were abusing this dinner.

              a) They brought their potluck, then hoarded it.

              b) Some got drunk, others went home hungry.     11:21

      D. Paul uses their abuse to bring out the real issue of the Lord's

            Supper - sensitivity toward our brothers and sisters.

          1) This is more important that "personal preparation."

          2) Selfishness and divisions are what ruined their services.

          3) They went through the motions, but it was not the Lord's

                Supper.                        11:20

III. Outline of communion.             11:23

      A. Paul corrects them by pointing back to the origins of communion.

          1) This is oldest tradition for communion.

      B. Key points:

          1) Element of betrayal.                      11:23

              a) Even at first supper something was wrong.

              b) When communion is abused, we place ourselves in Judas's


          2) Bread.                                  11:23

              a) Thanks or blessing.                 11:24

                  1> Typical for Jewish meal.

              b) Broken.

                  1> Single loaf was used.       cf. 10:16-17

                  2> (no ulterior meaning)

              c) Interpretation.

                  1> "This is my body."

                      A> Over-literalism.

                          1: Catholic - transubstantiation.

                          2: Lutheran - consubstantiation.

                              a: Not a sin to drop your cup.

                              b: No spiritual power in food itself.

                      B> Jewish symbolism.  Compare John 6:53-55, where

                           Jesus speaks of eating his flesh as real food -

                             - before he has ever died.

                  2> "Which is for you."

                      A> Recalls Isaiah 53:5, pierced for their sins.

                      B> His death was sacrificial in nature.

                  3> "Do it in remembrance."

                      A> Recalls Passover practice of reminding children

                            of the meaning of the event.        Exod 12:26

          3) Cup.                                    11:25

              a) Interpretation.

                  1> "New covenant in my blood."

                      A> Recalls Jeremiah 31:33, written on hearts.

                  2> "Do it in remembrance."    [see above]

          4) Proclamation of crucifixion, until Second Coming.    11:26

IV. Eating unworthily.                                11:27

      A. Most people - taking communion with unrepented sin.

          1) Causes a great deal of guilt.

          2) Paul focuses on how it is practiced, not inner sin.

      B. Examine self.                                     11:28

          1) Appropriate for inner spiritual examination.

          2) But next verse explains examination as "recognizing the

                body of the Lord."                   11:29

              a) Jesus?

              b) Better:  his body, the Church.

          3) Examine how you are treating others.  ("Testing" in view?)

      C. Judgment possible.

          1) Death and sickness in church are viewed by Paul prophetically.

              a) Doesn't mean guilty ones are falling over dead.

  V. Genuine communion.

      A. Communion is a group experience.

          1) Deacons accompany me when taking it to shut-ins.

              a) No "private" communion.

          2) Reason deacons pass it to rows, and rows pass it to each other.

              a) We serve one another.

              b) Not leader -> subordinate.

          3) Unity symbolized by joining in one circle, holding hands.

      B. Be aware of those around you.

          1) 10:16  The bread and cup are a "participation" or "communion"

                        in body of Christ.

              a) Lit., koinonia.   Fellowship with believers, and Jesus.

              b) Original common loaf and cup symbolized unity.    10:17

          2) The early church brought rich and poor, slave and free


              a) Are you open and sensitive to those who are different?

      C. Make peace with those around you.

          1) Communion has a tendency to be too individualistic.

              a) You focus on yourself, forget everyone else.

          2) Reconciliation with others is highest priority.

              a) Jesus - leave altar to get right with a brother.  Mt 5:23

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