Historical Photos of Ledgewood Baptist Church, New Jersey

Founded 1874
Present sanctuary constructed 1917
Main Church page
 A photo history of Ledgewood, New Jersey, "Then and Now."  Old photos juxtaposed over current views.
 The Lost Church of Ledgewood - article with photos on the original Baptist church (1874-1917).
 2014 Historic Preservation Plan - a large PDF document that gives a detailed history of our church and sanctuary.  Uses the MEGA website and requires download.

Photos of the congregation

Size                 Photo description

  172,000    Original Ledgewood Baptist church, 1874
  209,996    Cornerstone dedication 1917 (full size, with border)
  109,402    Cornerstone dedication 1917 (full size, no border)
   44,851    Cornerstone dedication 1917 (med size, no border)
   22,730    Cornerstone dedication 1917 (small size, no border)
  130,775    Mortgage burning in kettle said to be used by George Washington; 1923
   18,017    Congregation in front of Ledgewood Baptist, 1917, Jackson's version, 30 percent
   27,010    New church with congregation in front, 1917 (smallest size)
   79,975    New church with congregation in front, 1917 (small size)
  165,386    New church with congregation in front, 1917 (full size)
  457,487    New church with congregation in 1917 (high res)
  107,122    Sanctuary dedication crowd closeup, 1917
   18,017    Sanctuary dedication from different angle, 1917
  156,327    Full church with congregation, early 1990's, high res

Ledgewood Baptist's "Gala Day" carnival

144,620    Gala Day 1915, Mr. [Rev] and Mrs. M. S. Earle in foot race
  132,551    Gala Day 1915, Mr. Frederick K. Earle, Sr., leading , in chinese dress
  125,393    Gala Day 1915, winning baseball team
  149,387    Gala Day 1915, losing pitcher and catcher
  177,361    Gala Day 1915, losing baseball team
  135,615    Gala Day 1915, water melon race
   83,770    Gala Day 1916, swim race in Mino's pond with church in background
  109,309    Gala Day 1916, people in field
  135,011    Gala Day 1916, race at Basin with Rock Spring Hotel in background
   45,855    Gala Day 1917, arbor

Ledgewood Baptist's "Gala Day" and baby parades

96,119    Gala Day 1916, tuba in parade
             Gala Day 1916, parade leader on horse
   75,993    Gala Day 1916, parade onlookers
   52,608    Gala Day 1917, car float
   40,314    Gala Day 1917, man on horse
   53,322    Gala Day 1917, World War I Allies wagon
   93,171    Gala Day 1919, watching parade in the rain
   94,491    Gala Day 1919, Primary Class wagon in parade
   98,698    Gala Day 1919, permanent booth structures behind church
   47,222    Gala Day 1919, trolley and band
  164,379    Gala Day 1920, Grand Marshall Hulse Mooney
   74,679    Gala Day 1920, Grand Marshall Hulse Mooney #2
   90,516    Gala Day 1920, horse and patriotic wagon in parade
  124,649    Gala Day wagon float, perhaps 1930's, driver is Fred Ball
  110,948    Baby Parade, Beth Wack (Blewett)
   95,555    Baby parade in rain, going west on Main Street
   72,553    Baby parade, Barbara Plahn and Bill Cocking, 1956
   92,591    Baby parade, Steven Jacke as Bible, Peg Johnson with camera, August 1987
             Baby Parade c1917
             Baby Parade 1960s, Trinka Salmon is "Miss Baptist"
             Baby Parade 1930s, child unknown
             Baby Parade 1970s, children unknown
             Baby Parade 1970s, children unknown
             Baby Parade 1970s Elizabeth Osborne (in orange), Zack Wetzel (in suit), Michael Bostedo (carpenter),
                   Jody Wetzel, Kaity Wetzel (in stroller), Trinka Osborne (pushing the stroller)
             Baby Parade 1970s, children unknown

Church outings and events

101,946    Women's Society ca. 1950's

Pageants and programs

71,069    Christmas Pageant, 1987, placard kids
   76,793    Church play, around 1917 (small)
   64,130    Christmas pageant, around 1970 (small)

Individual members of the church

46,583    Corwin Decker in front of Ledgewood Baptist Church, 1925
   33,965    Cliff Blewett at sound engineer booth [ink on photo], early 1990's
   62,009    Servant of God dinner, Ethel Abrams and Evelyn Kelsall with Bob Stark, May 16 1993
   40,408    Children's Day choir, Trinka Osborne directing, June 1998

Photos outside church

177,079    Original Ledgewood Baptist Church from 1874 to 1917
   87,385    Tower of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, black and white by Russ Wack
   34,072    Church exterior, 1970's, color
   64,630    Church in summer from side, 1970's (small)
  140,296    Church in summer from side, 1970's

Photos of church interior

124,991    Interior of church, around 1980's, color
   60,165    Interior of church, around 1970's, BW
   82,543    Window, Jesus and sheep, BW
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
                 Antique clock was stolen around 2001.
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Interior of Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, color by Russ Wack
             Jesus and Sheep window in Ledgewood Baptist sanctuary, 1970s, BW, by Russ Wack

Ledgewood Baptist's pastors

74,473    Rev. Dare, 1905-1914, close-up
  115,486    Rev. Dare, 1905-1914, in original frame
  224,700    Old parsonage with Rev Dare on porch, around 1910
   53,347    Rev. and Mrs. Earle, old age
  134,553    Rev. Earle, old age. alone
   66,068    Rev. Bud and Polly Wetzel, 1990
   89,009    Rev. Gary Hartman
   39,352    Rev. Bill Burger, interim, 1988-89, appreciation dinner
   62,859    Rev. David Holwick, shaved, early 1990's

Church weddings

42,777    Wedding, Lulu Conkling (and Jeremiah Baker), married at Conkling Rd Farm by Rev Earle, June 30 1917
   76,453    Wedding, Elva Brown and William H T Cocking, Carolyn Cocking's in-laws, 1920
   50,794    Wedding, Howard Jacke and Barbara Soffel, with Earle, September 10 1949
   27,960    Wedding, Howard Jacke and Barbara Soffel, September 10 1949
   52,158    Wedding, James Vescio and Isabelle Duerr, April 28 1949
   62,104    Wedding, Thomas Cocking and Carolyn Baker, June 21 1946
   30,672    Wedding, Thomas Cocking and Carolyn Baker #2
   25,668    Wedding, Sam Pruitt and Becky Britt, April 8 1972
   63,630    Wedding, Wetzel with John and Eileen Douglas #1
   59,849    Wedding, Wetzel with John and Eileen Douglas #2
   79,018    Wedding, Marsha and Henry Kott at Wetzel 1979 wedding
  115,336    Wedding, Don Howering and Cindy Vescio, April 28 1979
  134,863    Wedding, Bud Wetzel Jr. and Leslie Salmon, October 20 1979
   29,316    Wedding, Wetzel with Dean Walgren and Marcy Gilbert 1
   38,571    Wedding, Wetzel with Dean Walgren and Marcy Gilbert 2
   83,472    Wedding, Gordon Blewett and Beth Wack, June 19 1982
   68,399    Wedding, Roger Clark and Kathy Taylor, June 6 1987
  125,283    Wedding, Bobbie Stark and Shari Schlesinger, May 22 1993
   59,115    Wedding, Darrin Stark and Danielle Covello, February 14 1997
   50,892    Wedding, Dave and Donna Rutkowski, Schooley's Mtn, NJ, September 5 1998
             Wedding, Richard Plahn and Ruth Baker, November 29, 1942
             Wedding, Bradley Dailey and Sara Cocking, 1966
             Wedding, unknown couple
             Wedding, unknown couple (Stasilli?)
             Wedding, unknown couple (Stasilli?)
             Wedding, Gerald and Diane Stark  Bob Stark is last man
             Wedding, unknown couple (Stasilli?)
             Wedding, unknown couple
             Wedding, unknown couple (Stasilli?)

"Ledgewood Baptist Church"

Copyright © Rev. W. David Holwick, 2014

First Baptist Church; Ledgewood, New Jersey

This document last modified March 21, 2014